首页> 外文期刊>Journal of robotics and mechatronics >Effects of the Lower Leg Bi-Articular Muscle in Jumping

Effects of the Lower Leg Bi-Articular Muscle in Jumping


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We studied the effects of the lower leg bi-articular muscle in vertebrates in jumping. We used the proposed Jumping Jack model in computer simulation to analyze the impact of bi-articular muscle on postural jumping stability, energy transition caused by postural change, and the relationship between the ground reaction force and the center of gravity. We made a trial model and measured the jumping posture, ground reaction force, and jumping height to verify simulation results. The bi-articular muscle adjusted the ground reaction force so that the line of action invariably passed near the center of gravity and the conversion of elastic energy to rotational kinetic energy was suppressed, leading to a stable posture after takeoff.
机译:我们研究了跳跃中脊椎动物小腿双关节肌肉的影响。我们在计算机仿真中使用提出的Jumping Jack模型来分析双关节肌肉对姿势跳跃稳定性,姿势变化引起的能量转换以及地面反作用力与重心之间的关系的影响。我们制作了一个试验模型,并测量了跳跃姿势,地面反作用力和跳跃高度,以验证仿真结果。双关节肌肉调节地面反作用力,以使作用线始终通过重心附近,从而抑制了弹性能向旋转动能的转换,从而在起飞后产生了稳定的姿势。



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