首页> 外文期刊>Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery: JPRAS >Flap within a flap: The benefit of a musculocutaneous flap over a pure muscle flap

Flap within a flap: The benefit of a musculocutaneous flap over a pure muscle flap


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Open lower limb fractures are a difficult problem and often present with significant bone loss and soft tissue damage, particularly in patients with contaminated crush injuries.1'3 Despite an initial thorough wound debridement, there maybe further soft tissue loss due infection or further compromise of the residual lower limb soft tissue vascu-larity. The recent BAPRAS/BOA National Lower Limb Guidelines re-emphasised the importance of several aspects of lower limb trauma management, including early wound closure.2 Following reconstruction of these defects it is sometimes necessary to undertake secondary wound debridement and closure by import of tissue in the form of a secondary free-flap to cover a new adjacent defect.4 We present a challenging case and a practical method to treat this potentially intractable problem in an area with limited surgical management options, which has already had successful free-flap reconstruction to close the initial soft tissue defect.The case in question was that of a 31-year-old man who sustained an open fracture to his right foot following a crush injury caused by a fork lift truck. The patient was taken to theatre for immediate exploration and debridement and was found to have sustained extensive soft tissue damage with skin loss over his hind foot and over 80% calcaneal bone loss. This was stabilised on the day of injury with external fixation and he returned to theatre on day 3 post-injury for definitive internal calcaneal fixation. On day 4 of admission, the patient underwent further debridement of his right heel, with coverage of the soft tissue defect and exposed bridging metal plate with a free gracilis muscu-locutaneous flap.
机译:下肢开放性骨折是一个棘手的问题,通常会造成严重的骨丢失和软组织损伤,特别是在受污染的挤压伤患者中。1'3尽管最初进行了彻底的伤口清创,但由于感染或可能进一步损害了软组织,因此可能会进一步软组织丢失残留的下肢软组织血管。最近的BAPRAS / BOA国家下肢指南再次强调了下肢创伤管理的多个方面的重要性,包括早期伤口闭合。2重建这些缺陷后,有时有必要进行二次伤口清创并通过在组织中导入组织进行闭合。 4提出了一个具有挑战性的案例和一种实用的方法,以在手术管理选择有限的区域中治疗这一潜在的棘手问题,该领域已经成功地进行了皮瓣重建闭合了最初的软组织缺损。该病例是一名31岁的男子,他因叉车的挤压伤而右脚开放性骨折。该患者被送往剧院进行即时探查和清创术,发现其后肢严重皮肤软组织损伤,后脚皮肤损失,跟骨骨损失超过80%。在外伤固定的那天,病情稳定下来。他在受伤后第3天回到剧院接受确定的跟骨内固定术。入院第4天,患者右脚后跟进一步清创,覆盖了软组织缺损,裸露的桥接金属板带有游离的肌腱-肌皮瓣。



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