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Will the retiring baby boomers return to rural periphery?


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Many belonging to large post-war age cohorts in the western countries moved from rural areas to larger industrializing cities. They retire soon and can consider moving back to the childhood places. This article studies these baby boomers and the issues about their return to peripheral rural areas. The case regards one rural municipality, Ristijarvi, in the remote Northeastern Finland. Despite ageing of local population, Ristijarvi aims to attract new elderly inhabitants with the Seniorpolis project. The entire baby boom generation of Ristijarvi municipality was studied. A questionnaire was answered by 313 people born in Ristijarvi in 1946-1955 and who live now elsewhere in Finland. Answers were analyzed with cross tables and factor analysis. Additional phone interview was held with 66 considering return migration. Furthermore, local policies to attract the elderly (return) migrants were analyzed. Potential elderly return migrants with spouse can reach up to tenth of current municipal population.Of the respondents 3% expressed their wish to return and 19% could live part-time in Ristijarvi. Remained contacts and summer cottage in Ristijarvi and wish to live in rural areas influence positively on returning. Those interested in returning seek clean nature, peaceful environment, security, detached houses with beautiful setting, lower housing costs and landscapes of home region. Elderly and their return migration should be conceptualized further. Return migration can be a trigger for local development as presented in the public-private initiative the Seniorpolis. However, local elderly policies should be analyzed carefully and promoted those projects having long-term positive impact.
机译:西方国家许多战后大批人从农村地区转移到较大的工业化城市。他们即将退休,可以考虑回到童年时代。本文研究了这些婴儿潮一代及其返回外围农村地区的问题。该案涉及偏远芬兰东北部的一个农村自治市Ristijarvi。尽管当地人口老龄化,Ristijarvi的“长者之乡”项目仍致力于吸引新的老年人。对Ristijarvi市的整个婴儿潮一代进行了研究。 1946-1955年出生于Ristijarvi的313人回答了问题单,他们现在住在芬兰的其他地方。答案通过交叉表和因子分析进行分析。考虑到回国迁移,另外有66人进行了电话采访。此外,分析了吸引老年人(回国)移民的地方政策。潜在的有配偶的老年人回国移民可以达到目前市政人口的十分之一。在受访者中,有3%表示希望返回,有19%的人可以在Ristijarvi兼职。 Ristijarvi仍然保持着联系和避暑别墅,并希望生活在农村地区对回国产生积极影响。那些有兴趣返回的人们寻求清洁的自然,和平的环境,安全,环境优美的独立式住宅,较低的住房成本和本地区的景观。老年人及其回返移民应进一步概念化。如“公私合营计划”“老年人之城”中所述,返乡移民可以触发当地发展。但是,应仔细分析当地的老年人政策,并促进那些具有长期积极影响的项目。



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