首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psychoactive drugs >Substance Use among a National Sample of Asian/Pacific Islander Men Who Have Sex with Men in the U.S.

Substance Use among a National Sample of Asian/Pacific Islander Men Who Have Sex with Men in the U.S.


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The objectives of this study were to describe drug use among Asian/Pacific Islander (API) men who have sex with men (MSM) and to examine how nativity (and acculturation as a secondary correlate) predicted such use. A total of 445 self-identified API MSM from seven metropolitan cities participated in a national HIV serological testing and psychosocial and behavioral assessment study. Results indicate clubbing was significantly associated with higher levels of substance use. Additionally, participants who were U.S.-born were more likely to have reported marijuana use and those with higher levels of acculturation reported less marijuana use. Our bivariate findings suggest that foreign-born status and acculturation experience may provide a protective effect against marijuana use among API MSM. These associations largely did not hold in our multivariate models. Future research should more fully examine the role of acculturation and nativity in substance use behaviors.
机译:这项研究的目的是描述与男性(MSM)发生性关系的亚洲/太平洋岛民(API)男性中的药物使用情况,并研究出生率(以及作为次要相关因素的适应)如何预测这种使用情况。来自七个大城市的445个自我识别的API MSM参加了一项全国HIV血清学检测以及社会心理和行为评估研究。结果表明,泡吧与较高的物质使用量显着相关。此外,在美国出生的参与者更有可能报告了大麻的使用情况,而文化程度较高的参与者则报告了较少的大麻使用情况。我们的双变量研究结果表明,外国出生状况和适应经验可能对API MSM中的大麻使用提供保护作用。这些关联在我们的多元模型中基本不成立。未来的研究应更全面地检验文化适应和本土化在物质使用行为中的作用。



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