首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psychoactive drugs >Characteristics and Outcome of Minority Group Patients in Methadone Maintenance Treatment

Characteristics and Outcome of Minority Group Patients in Methadone Maintenance Treatment


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Minority status is associated with mental and physical morbidity, substance dependence, and poor outcomes. To compare characteristics and treatment outcomes between patients from two minority groups in Israel (Christians and Muslims) and patients from the majority population (Jews) in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT), we prospectively studied all patients admitted to our clinic between 1993 and 2012 and followed up until 2013; 655 Jews, 67 Christians, and 37 Muslims. Christian patients differed from Jews and Muslims by younger age at admission to MMT, greater prevalence of drug injectors, and a higher proportion of Hepatitis-C and HIV sera positive. Muslims had comparatively less education and a lower proportion of females. The three groups had similar rates of one-year retention (75.9%) and opiate abstinence (68.1%). They also did not differ in long-term retention (up to 20 years): Muslims 5.5 years (95% CI 3.6-7.4), Christians 7.5 years (95% CI 6-9.1), and Jews 7.6 years (95% CI 7-8.2, p = .3). The Hepatitis-C incidence, however, was higher among the 21 admitted Hepatitis-C seronegative minorities (5.0/100 person years) than the 207 Hepatitis-C seronegative non-minority patients (1.7/100 person years, p=0.03). All groups had good treatment outcomes, except for Hepatitis-C seroconversion, which necessitates a specific preventive intervention among the minority groups.
机译:少数群体的状况与身心疾病,药物依赖和不良结局有关。为了比较以色列的两个少数群体(基督徒和穆斯林)和大多数人口的犹太人(犹太人)进行美沙酮维持治疗(MMT)的特征和治疗结果,我们对1993年至2012年之间入院的所有患者进行了前瞻性研究。随访至2013年; 655名犹太人,67名基督徒和37名穆斯林。基督教患者与犹太人和穆斯林的不同之处在于,他们在接受MMT时年龄较小,吸毒者患病率较高,并且丙型肝炎和HIV血清阳性的比例较高。穆斯林受教育程度相对较低,女性比例较低。这三组的一年保留率(75.9%)和鸦片戒断率(68.1%)相似。他们的长期保留期限(长达20年)也没有差异:穆斯林5.5年(95%CI 3.6-7.4),基督徒7.5年(95%CI 6-9.1)和犹太人7.6年(95%CI 7) -8.2,p = .3)。然而,在21名接受丙型肝炎血清阴性的少数民族(5.0 / 100人年)中,丙型肝炎的发病率高于207名丙型肝炎血清阴性的非少数族裔(1.7 / 100人年,p = 0.03)。除丙型肝炎血清转换外,所有组均具有良好的治疗效果,这需要少数群体进行特殊的预防干预。



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