首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psychiatric research >In search of the HPA axis activity in unipolar depression patients with childhood trauma: Combined cortisol awakening response and dexamethasone suppression test

In search of the HPA axis activity in unipolar depression patients with childhood trauma: Combined cortisol awakening response and dexamethasone suppression test


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The aim of the present study was to examine the impact of childhood trauma on HPA axis activity both in depression patients and healthy controls in order to determine the role of HPA axis abnormalities in depression and to find the differences in HPA axis functioning that may lead certain individuals more susceptible to the depressogenic effects of childhood trauma. Eighty subjects aged 18-45 years were recruited into four study groups (n = 18, depression patients with childhood trauma exposures, CTE/ MDD; n = 17, depression patients without childhood adversity, non-CTE/MDD; n = 23, healthy persons with childhood trauma, CTEon-MDD; and n = 22, healthy persons without childhood adversity, non-CTEon-MDD). Each participant collected salivary samples in the morning at four time points: immediately upon awakening, 30, 45, and 60 min after awakening for the assessment of CAR and underwent a 1 mg-dexamethasone suppression test (DST). Regardless of depression, subjects with CTE exhibited an enhanced CAR and the CAR areas under the curve to ground (AUCg) were associated with their childhood trauma questionnaire (CTQ) physical neglect scores and CTQ total scores. In addition, the CTE/MDD group also showed a highest post-DST cortisol concentration and a decreased glucocorticoid feedback inhibition among four groups of subjects. The present findings suggested that childhood trauma was associated with hyperactivity of HPA axis as measured with CAR, potentially reflecting the vulnerability for developing depression after early life stress exposures. Moreover, dysfunction of the GR-mediated negative feedback control might contribute to the development of depression after CTE. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:本研究的目的是研究儿童创伤对抑郁症患者和健康对照者的HPA轴活动的影响,以确定HPA轴异常在抑郁症中的作用,并找出可能导致某些原因的HPA轴功能差异。个体更容易受到童年创伤的降压作用。 80名年龄在18-45岁之间的受试者被分为四个研究组(n = 18,患有儿童创伤的抑郁症患者,CTE / MDD; n = 17,没有儿童逆境的抑郁症患者,非CTE / MDD; n = 23,健康有儿童期创伤的患者,CTE /非MDD; n = 22,无儿童期逆境的健康人群,非CTE /非MDD)。每个参与者在早晨的四个时间点收集唾液样品:醒来后立即,醒来后30、45和60分钟进行CAR评估,并进行1 mg地塞米松抑制试验(DST)。不管抑郁症如何,CTE受试者的CAR均得到增强,并且地面弯曲曲线下的CAR面积(AUCg)与他们的儿童创伤问卷(CTQ)身体忽视评分和CTQ总得分相关。此外,在四组受试者中,CTE / MDD组还显示出DST后皮质醇浓度最高,糖皮质激素反馈抑制降低。本研究结果表明,如用CAR测量的,儿童期创伤与HPA轴亢进有关,可能反映了在生活早期暴露于应激后发展为抑郁症的脆弱性。此外,GR介导的负反馈控制功能障碍可能会导致CTE后抑郁症的发生。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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