首页> 外文期刊>Journal of plant interactions >Isolation and in vitro identification of proteinase inhibitors from soybean seeds inhibiting helicoverpa gut proteases

Isolation and in vitro identification of proteinase inhibitors from soybean seeds inhibiting helicoverpa gut proteases


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Helicoverpa armigera is a polyphagous pest damaging vast numbers of different crops leading to decrease in total production. Use of Bt transgenic to control H. armigera has worked well but has increased resistance against Bt in H. armigera and controversies about the Bt transgenic making it imperative to find another strategy to control attack. Soybean is a nonhost plant for H. armigera; reason could be laid in the defense system of the soybean. Proteinase Inhibitor (PIs) have been extensively studied for development of resistance against insect pest. Two cultivars developed by our university were investigated for the presence of proteinase inhibitors namely, MAUS-158 and MAUS-61. Partially purified inhibitors were showed inhibition of total protease activity of gut extract by 91.34±1.49 and 89.95±0.96% by MAUS-158 and MAUS-61, respectively. While inhibition of trypsin like proteases were found between 65 and 71% and inhibition of chymotrypsin like proteases ranges between 40 and 42%. The partial purification study shows stability of PIs up to 60°C. Soybean PIs are also showing more prominent inhibition pattern against trypsin than chymotrypsin.



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