首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Growth Regulation >Plant hormones isolated from 'Katahdin' potato plant tissues and the influence of photoperiod and temperature on their levels in relation to tuber induction.

Plant hormones isolated from 'Katahdin' potato plant tissues and the influence of photoperiod and temperature on their levels in relation to tuber induction.

机译:从“ Katahdin”马铃薯植物组织中分离出来的植物激素,以及与块茎诱导有关的光周期和温度对其水平的影响。

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Qualitative and quantitative analyses were carried out on vegetative tissues of potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. "Katahdin") in search of natural products thought to play a role in tuber induction. Tissues were obtained from plants initially grown in a growth chamber under noninducing conditions (30 degrees C day and 28 degrees C night with an 18-h photoperiod), and then half of the plants were moved to inducing chambers (28 degrees C day and 13 degrees C night with a 10-h photoperiod) for 10 days prior to tissue harvest. Plants from each chamber were then harvested at 2-day intervals for 10 days, separated into above- and belowground portions, and the lyophilized tissues were extracted and subjected to rigorous purification and separation using high-performance liquid chromatography. This was followed by identification and quantification using combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Compounds isolated and identified included gibberellic acid; cytokinins cis-zeatin riboside, trans-zeatin, trans-zeatin riboside, and isopentenyladenine; and jasmonates jasmonic acid, tuberonic acid and its methyl ester, methyl 7-isocucurbate, and 9,10-dihydromethyljasmonate. Methyl 7-isocucurbate and 9,10-dihydromethyljasmonate were detected for the first time in potato tissue as endogenous compounds. Cytokinin and jasmonate levels generally increased under inducing conditions, whereas gibberellic acid levels declined progressively during the 10-day sampling period. Only gibberellic acid, jasmonic acid, and cis-zeatin riboside levels were significantly influenced by induction.
机译:对马铃薯的营养组织(Solanum tuberosum cv。“ Katahdin”)进行了定性和定量分析,以寻找被认为在块茎诱导中起作用的天然产物。从最初在非诱导条件下(在30摄氏度的白天和28摄氏度的夜晚,在光周期为30小时的条件下)在生长室中生长的植物获得组织,然后将一半的植物移到诱导室(28摄氏度和13摄氏度)晚上10个小时(摄氏10度),然后收集组织。然后,每隔2天以10天的间隔收获来自每个室的植物,分为地上部分和地下部分,提取冻干的组织,并使用高效液相色谱法进行严格的纯化和分离。然后使用气相色谱-质谱联用进行鉴定和定量。分离和鉴定的化合物包括赤霉素;细胞分裂素顺式玉米蛋白核苷,反玉米蛋白,反玉米蛋白核苷和异戊烯腺嘌呤;茉莉酸,茉莉酸,胡椒酸及其甲酯,7-异葫芦酸甲酯和9,10-二氢甲基茉莉酸酯。在马铃薯组织中首次检测到7-异葫芦酸甲酯和9,10-二氢茉莉酮酸作为内源性化合物。在诱导条件下,细胞分裂素和茉莉酸酯的含量通常会增加,而在10天的采样期内赤霉素的含量会逐渐下降。诱导仅显着影响赤霉素,茉莉酸和顺玉米蛋白核苷的含量。



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