首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pure and applied algebra >The 'fundamental theorem' for the algebraic K-theory of spaces: II - the canonical involution

The 'fundamental theorem' for the algebraic K-theory of spaces: II - the canonical involution


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Let X --> A(X) denote the algebraic K-theory of spaces functor. In the first paper of this series, we showed A(X x S-1) decomposes into a product of a copy of A(X), a delooped copy of A(X) and two homeomorphic nil terms. The primary goal of this paper is to determine how the "canonical involution" acts on this splitting. A consequence of the main result is that the involution acts so as to transpose the nil terms. From a technical point of view, however, our purpose will be to give another description of the involution on A(X) which arises as a (suitably modified) P.-construction. The main result is proved using this alternative discription. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 9]
机译:令X-> A(X)表示空间函子的代数K-理论。在本系列的第一篇论文中,我们证明了A(X x S-1)分解为A(X)副本,A(X)的去环副本和两个同胚零项的乘积。本文的主要目的是确定“经典对合”如何作用于这种分裂。主要结果的结果是,对合运算的作用是使nil个项转置。但是,从技术角度来看,我们的目的是对A(X)的对合进行另一种描述,该对合是作为(适当修改的)P。构造而出现的。使用此替代说明证明了主要结果。 (C)2002 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:9]



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