首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans >milk yield chemical and mineral composition in milk of tsigay sheep and their crossbreedings

milk yield chemical and mineral composition in milk of tsigay sheep and their crossbreedings


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The study has been carried out on raw aggregate sheep milk obtained -from sheep from Tsigai breed and their crossbreeds with Chios breed at the age of 2 5 and 3.5 years, which are raised in RIMSA-Troyan in the region of Central Balkan Mountains.The milk chemical composition was recorded by Milko-skan 133B, and that of content of ash by weight at 550 C Micro and macro-elements were determined after dry ashing of sample, their mineralization was done in a muffle furnace at 550°C and preparationof salt acid solution from the ash. The content of K and Na - (of Flamom-B), of P -molybdate-vanadate method, and the rest of the elements by Perkin-Elmer 380.A tendency for higher млечност of F_2 млечни cross-breeds (Tsigai - x -Chios) in comparison with Tsigai sheep and comparatively better indexes of dry matter and fat milk in the latter. The content of total protein and casein in milk of l-stlactation is significantly higher in F2 dairy cross-breeds.No significant differences have been recorded in the milk between the two breeds in relation to amount of macroelements calcium, phosphorus, potassium as well as the micro-elements manganese and copper. The milk from Tsigai sheep breed was superior during both years in the content of magnesium by approximately 47.9% for 2.5-year and 23% for the second in comparison to that of F_2 cross-breeds of Chios. A tendency for higher levels of zinc and iron in milk of F_2-breeds of Chios has been observed. High values of ration K/Na in both sheep breeds have been registered.
机译:这项研究针对的是从Tsigai品种的绵羊及其与Chios品种杂交的绵羊获得的粗骨料羊奶,这些羊奶分别在中部巴尔干山脉地区的RIMSA-Troyan地区饲养,年龄分别为2 5和3.5岁。用Milko-skan 133B记录牛奶的化学成分,并在550 C下测定灰分的重量含量。干灰化样品后测定微量和宏观元素,在马弗炉中于550°C下矿化并制备盐。灰分的酸性溶液。 Perkin-Elmer 380的K和Na-(Flamom-B的含量),P-钼酸盐-钒酸盐的含量以及其余元素的含量.F_2杂交种(Tsigai-x- Chis)与Tsigai绵羊相比,后者的干物质和脂肪奶指数相对更好。 F2奶牛杂交乳中l精制乳中的总蛋白和酪蛋白含量显着较高。在两个品种之间的牛奶中,关于常量元素钙,磷,钾以及微量元素锰和铜。与希俄斯F_2杂种相比,在两年中,来自慈济绵羊品种的牛奶的镁含量均高出约47.9%,第二年的镁含量高出23%。已经观察到F_2品种的希俄斯牛乳中锌和铁含量较高的趋势。两种绵羊品种的配比K / Na值都很高。



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