首页> 外文期刊>Journal of prosthodontics: official journal of the American College of Prosthodontists >Pilot evaluation of four experimental conditioning treatments to improve the bond strength between resin cement and Y-TZP ceramic.

Pilot evaluation of four experimental conditioning treatments to improve the bond strength between resin cement and Y-TZP ceramic.


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PURPOSE: This study evaluated the bond strength between resin cement and Y-TZP ceramic (Yttrium-stabilized Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystalline) submitted to different surface conditionings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty Y-TZP ceramic discs (O= 10 mm) were allocated into five groups: Gr1 (control)-no conditioning; Gr2-tribochemical silica coating (30-mum SiO(2)) before sintering; Gr3-air abrasion with 50-mum Al(2)O(3) before sintering; Gr4-air abrasion with 110-mu Al(2)O(3) before sintering; Gr5 - air abrasion with 50-mum Al(2)O(3) after sintering. After specimen preparation, cylinders of composite resin were prepared and immediately cemented onto the ceramic. A shear test was performed. RESULTS: One-way ANOVA indicated a statistically significant difference among the groups (p= 0.0019). The mean shear bond strengths (MPa) were: Gr1 = 4.7 +/- 0.8,(b) Gr2 = 4.6 +/- 0.9,(b) Gr3 = 6.4 +/- 1.0,(a) Gr4 = 6.5 +/- 1.8,(a) Gr5 = 6 +/- 1.3(ab) (same superscript letter indicates statistical similarity). Adhesive fracture between the ceramic and resin cement was the most common failure. No complete cohesive fracture at the ceramic or composite cylinders was noted. CONCLUSION: Within the limitations of this study, additional surface treatment with air abrasion before and after sintering provided a significant increase in bond strength. Tribochemical silica coating before sintering was not effective as a surface treatment.
机译:目的:本研究评估了在不同表面处理条件下树脂水泥与Y-TZP陶瓷(钇稳定的四方氧化锆多晶)之间的粘结强度。材料与方法:将五十只Y-TZP陶瓷圆盘(O = 10毫米)分为五组:Gr1(对照)-无调节;烧结前用Gr2-摩擦化学二氧化硅涂层(30-um SiO(2));烧结前用50微米的Al(2)O(3)进行Gr3空气磨损;烧结前用110-mu Al(2)O(3)进行Gr4气磨; Gr5-烧结后用50um Al(2)O(3)进行空气磨蚀。样品制备后,准备复合树脂圆柱体,并立即将其粘合到陶瓷上。进行剪切测试。结果:单因素方差分析表明各组之间存在统计学差异(p = 0.0019)。平均剪切粘结强度(MPa)为:Gr1 = 4.7 +/- 0.8,(b)Gr2 = 4.6 +/- 0.9,(b)Gr3 = 6.4 +/- 1.0,(a)Gr4 = 6.5 +/- 1.8 ,(a)Gr5 = 6 +/- 1.3(ab)(相同的上标字母表示统计相似性)。陶瓷和树脂水泥之间的粘合断裂是最常见的故障。在陶瓷或复合材料圆柱体上没有发现完全的内聚破裂。结论:在本研究的范围内,在烧结前后对空气进行额外的表面处理可大大提高粘结强度。烧结前的摩擦化学二氧化硅涂层作为表面处理无效。



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