首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Research >Dimorphisms and self-incompatibility in the distylous species Palicourea demissa (Rubiaceae): Possible implications for its reproductive output

Dimorphisms and self-incompatibility in the distylous species Palicourea demissa (Rubiaceae): Possible implications for its reproductive output

机译:畸形物种Palicourea demissa(Rubiaceae)的二态性和自交不亲和性:对其繁殖产量的可能影响

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Distyly has been interpreted as a mechanism that favors cross-fertilization. In this research we describe floral attributes and ancillary floral polymorphisms typically associated to heterostylous plants in Palicourea demissa (Rubiaceae), a distylous shrub of the Venezuelan Andes cloud forests. A hand-pollination experiment was done to evaluate self- and intramorph incompatibility and female reproductive output in both floral morphs. The studied population was morphologically distylous but morph differences in most ancillary floral polymorphisms and reciprocity of the sexual organ heights were found. The floral morphs were self-incompatible and did not differ in fruit set under controlled cross-pollination conditions, but at the population level they exhibited imperfect reciprocal herkogamy. Fruits and seeds of short-styled plants were larger than those of long-styled plants and fruit set was higher in short-styled plants under natural conditions, suggesting a higher reproductive potential among short-styled plants. Given the 1:1 morph ratio within the studied population, further evidence is needed to determine the influence of floral visitors and seed dispersers in the expression of heterostyly in P. demissa under natural conditions.
机译:Distyly已被解释为一种有利于交叉受精的机制。在这项研究中,我们描述了通常与委内瑞拉安第斯山脉云雾状灌木Palicourea demissa(Rubiaceae)的异型植物相关的花卉属性和辅助花卉多态性。进行了人工授粉实验,以评估两种花卉形态中的自我形态和形态内不相容性以及雌性生殖产量。所研究的种群在形态学上是畸变的,但是发现大多数辅助花多态性和性器官高度的倒数之间存在形态差异。花的形态是自交不亲和的,在控制的异花授粉条件下,果实的结实没有差异,但是在种群水平上,它们表现出不完美的互惠性。短型植物的果实和种子比长型植物的果实和种子大,并且在自然条件下短型植物的结实率更高,这表明短型植物的繁殖潜力更高。给定研究人群中1:1的变体比率,需要进一步的证据来确定花生客和种子分散剂在自然条件下对假单胞菌杂菌表达的影响。



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