首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection >Identification of Phytophthora spp. isolated from plants and soil samples on strawberry plantations in Poland

Identification of Phytophthora spp. isolated from plants and soil samples on strawberry plantations in Poland


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Crown and leather rot of strawberry caused by Phytophthora spp. are major soil diseases of cultivated strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) in Poland. In this study, in total 45 isolates of Phytophthora spp. from plants of cultivars Elsanta, Honeoye, Florence, Camarosa, Roxana, Onebor, Alba, Elegance, Albion, Senga Sengana and Malwina originating from crowns (20 isolates) and fruits (25 isolates) as well as 25 soil samples from the same fruiting strawberry plantations located in central, northeastern, and south-eastern regions of Poland were identified. Among them, 44 isolates from plant organs and eight from soil samples were identified as Phytophthora cactorum and from one plant and one soil sample as P. citricola; of those remaining from the soil, one was identified as P. citrophthora and one as P. cryptogea. Identifications were based on morphological characteristics and DNA analyses. Species-specific polymerase chain reaction confirmed the presence of Phytophthora spp. in all positive examined plant and soil samples and confirmed that P. cactorum is predominantly responsible for crown and leather rot diseases of strawberry in monitored regions of Poland. Pathogenicity tests showed that all isolates of Phytophthora spp. originating from soil derived from strawberry plantations were pathogenic both to strawberry and to raspberry.
机译:草莓疫霉菌引起的冠冠和皮革腐烂。是波兰栽培草莓(Fragaria x ananassa)的主要土壤病。在这项研究中,总共有45种疫霉菌。取自Elsanta,Honeoye,Florence,Camarosa,Roxana,Onebor,Alba,Elegance,Albion,Senga Sengana和Malwina品种的植物(来自冠(20个分离株)和水果(25个分离株))以及来自同一结果草莓的25个土壤样品确定了位于波兰中部,东北部和东南部地区的人工林。其中,从植物器官中分离出44株,从土壤样品中分离出8株被鉴定为仙人掌疫霉,从一种植物和一种土壤样品中鉴定出为柠檬酸假单胞菌。在土壤中残留的那些中,一种被鉴定为柠檬腐霉(P. citrophthora),另一种被鉴定为隐孢霉(P. cryptogea)。鉴定是基于形态特征和DNA分析。物种特异性聚合酶链反应证实了疫霉属菌的存在。在所有阳性检查过的植物和土壤样品中,都证实仙人掌果在波兰受监测地区是草莓冠冠和皮革腐烂病的主要原因。致病性测试表明,疫霉属的所有分离株。源自草莓种植园的土壤对草莓和覆盆子均具有致病性。



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