首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Biology >Comparison of Nitrogen Fixation for North- and South-facing Robinia pseudoacacia Stands in Central Korea

Comparison of Nitrogen Fixation for North- and South-facing Robinia pseudoacacia Stands in Central Korea


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The nitrogenase activity, root nodule biomass, and rates of nitrogen (N) fixation were measured in 25-year-old pure north-and south-facing Robinia pseudoacacia stands in an urban forest of Seoul (Kkachisan Mountain) in central Korea. The nitrogenase activity was estimated using an acetylene reduction (AR) assay, which showed an increasing trend during the early growing season, with sustained high rates from June through to September with a decrease thereafter. July had the highest nitrogenase activity rate (micromoles C2H4 per gram dry nodule per hour), averaging 95.8 and 115.1 for the north-and south-facing stands, respectively. The maximum root nodule biomass (kilograms per hectare) was 45.7 and 9.1 for the north-and south-facing stands in July, respectively. The AR rate appeared to be strongly correlated to the soil temperature (r(2)=0.68, P<0.001) and soil pH (r(2)=0.59, P<0.001) while root nodule biomass was correlated to the soil temperature (r(2)=0.36, P<0.01) and water content (r(2)=0.35, P<0.05). The soil temperature showed clear differences between seasons, while there was a significant difference in soil pH, organic matter, total N concentrations, and available phosphorus between the north- and south-facing stands. The N-2 fixation rates during the growing season varied from 0.1 to 37.5 kg N ha(-1) month(-1) depending on the sampling location and time. The annual N-2 fixation rate (kg N per hectare per year) was 112.3 and 23.2 for the north- and south-facing stands, respectively. The differences in N-2 fixation rate between the two stands were due mainly to the differences in total nodule biomass.
机译:在韩国中部的首尔城市森林(卡其山)中,对25岁的纯南北朝假刺槐林进行了固氮处理,测定了根瘤生物量和固氮率。使用乙炔还原(AR)分析法估计了固氮酶的活性,该分析法在生长早期阶段呈上升趋势,从6月至9月持续高速率,此后呈下降趋势。 7月的固氮酶活性最高(每克干结节每小时微摩尔C2H4),北向和南向分别为95.8和115.1。 7月,北向和南向林分的最大根瘤生物量(千克/公顷)分别为45.7和9.1。 AR率似乎与土壤温度(r(2)= 0.68,P <0.001)和土壤pH(r(2)= 0.59,P <0.001)密切相关,而根瘤生物量与土壤温度(r(2)= 0.59,P <0.001)密切相关。 r(2)= 0.36,P <0.01)和水含量(r(2)= 0.35,P <0.05)。在北向和南向林分之间,土壤温度在各个季节之间表现出明显的差异,而土壤pH,有机质,总氮浓度和有效磷存在显着差异。生长季节中的N-2固定率取决于采样位置和时间,从0.1到37.5 kg N ha(-1)month(-1)不等。朝北和朝南林分的年度N-2固定率(每公顷每年kg N)分别为112.3和23.2。两个林分之间N-2固定率的差异主要是由于总根瘤生物量的差异所致。



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