首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physics, D. Applied Physics: A Europhysics Journal >Formation of surface nanostructures on rutile (TiO_2): comparative study of low-energy cluster ion and high-energy monoatomic ion impact

Formation of surface nanostructures on rutile (TiO_2): comparative study of low-energy cluster ion and high-energy monoatomic ion impact


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The formation of nanostructures on rutile (TiO_2) surfaces formed after the implantation ofkiloelectronvolt-energy Ar_n~+cluster ions and megaelectronvolt- to gigaelectronvolt-energymultiply charged heavy ions (I~(q+), Ta~q(+)and U~(q+)) is studied. Despite the differences in stoppingand energy transfer mechanisms between the kiloelectronvolt-energy cluster ions andmegaelectronvolt-energy monoatomic ions, their impacts lead to a similar type of surfacedamage, namely craters. For the cluster ion implantation the craters are caused by themultiple-collision effect (dominated by nuclear stopping) and the high density of energy andmomentum transferred to the target, while for the case of megaelectronvolt multiply chargedions the craters are probably formed due to the Coulomb explosion and fast energy transfercaused by the electronic stopping. At ion energies in the gigaelectronvolt range, nanosizeprotrusions, so-called hillocks, are observed on the surface. It is suggested that electronicstopping leads to the formation of continuous tracks and the transferred energy is high enoughto melt the material along the whole projectile path. Elastic rebound of the tension between themolten and solid state phases leads to liquid flow, expansion and quenching of the melt, thusforming the hillocks. Atomic force microscopy measurements carried out under differentenvironmental conditions (temperature and atmosphere) suggest that the damaged material atthe nanosize impact spots has very different water affinity properties (higher hydrophilicity orwater adsorption) compared with the non-irradiated rutile surface.
机译:注入千伏电子Ar_n〜+簇离子和兆电子伏至千兆电子伏能量乘以重离子(I〜(q +),Ta〜q(+)和U〜(q + ))被研究。尽管千伏特-能量簇离子和兆伏特-能量单原子离子在停止和能量转移机理上存在差异,但它们的影响导致了类似类型的表面损伤,即火山口。对于团簇离子注入,陨石坑是由多重碰撞效应(核停止为主)以及转移到目标的高能量和动量引起的,而对于兆电子伏特多重电荷,陨石坑可能是由于库仑爆炸而形成的电子停止导致能量快速传递。在千兆电子伏特范围内的离子能量下,在表面上观察到纳米级突起,即所谓的小丘。有人提出,电子停止会导致形成连续的轨道,并且传递的能量足够高,足以沿整个弹丸路径熔化材料。熔融相和固态相之间的张力的弹性回弹导致熔体的液体流动,膨胀和淬火,从而形成小丘。在不同的环境条件(温度和大气)下进行的原子力显微镜测量表明,与未辐照的金红石表面相比,纳米级冲击点处的受损材料具有非常不同的水亲和性(更高的亲水性或吸水率)。



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