首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pesticide science >Pesticide residues in domestic agricultural products monitored in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, FY 1995-2009

Pesticide residues in domestic agricultural products monitored in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, FY 1995-2009


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During a 15-year monitoring survey (April 1995-March 2010) of pesticide residues in agricultural products, 1542 domestic samples (cereals, vegetables, fruits, etc.) collected in Hyogo prefecture, Japan, were analyzed. The number of pesticides tested increased annually from 110 to 615, and 2198 pesticides, including trace levels, were detected in 844 samples. Annual detection rates of positive samples ranged from 36 to 77% during 15 years, and the average rate was 65% in the past 5 years. With the increase in pesticides tested, total detections in FY 2005-2009 markedly increased, trace level detections composed more than half of all detections, and the numbers of samples containing 4 or more residues increased two-fold. Procymidone and iprodione were frequently found in vegetables, and kresoxim-methyl, ac-etamiprid, iprodione and captan in fruits. In addition, the detection of carbendazim, dinotefuran and imidacloprid increased in the past 5 years. Violations of MRLs or the uniform limit (0.01 μg/g) were observed in 9 samples (0.6%), among which pesticides unregistered for application were detected in 8 samples. The residue levels of unregistered pesticides should be assessed, as the uniform limit was applied for their regulation in many cases.
机译:在对农产品中农药残留进行的15年监测调查(1995年4月至2010年3月)中,分析了在日本兵库县收集的1542份国内样品(谷物,蔬菜,水果等)。每年测试的农药数量从110种增加到615种,在844个样品中检测到2198种农药(包括痕量)。在过去的15年中,阳性样本的年检出率介于36%至77%之间,而在过去5年中,平均检出率为65%。随着所测试农药的增加,2005-2009财年的总检测量显着增加,痕量检测占总检测量的一半以上,含有4个或更多残留物的样品数量增加了两倍。经常在蔬菜中发现嘧啶酮和异丙隆,在水果中发现甲基甲菌灵,扑热息痛,异丙隆和己丹。此外,在过去的5年中,多菌灵,双氯呋喃和吡虫啉的检出率有所增加。在9个样品(0.6%)中观察到违反MRL或统一限值(0.01μg/ g)的情况,在8个样品中检测到未注册使用的农药。应评估未注册农药的残留水平,因为在许多情况下均对其农药使用统一的限值。



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