首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pediatric psychology >Observed Differences in Social Behaviors Exhibited in Peer Interactions Between Youth With Spina Bifida and Their Peers: Neuropsychological Correlates

Observed Differences in Social Behaviors Exhibited in Peer Interactions Between Youth With Spina Bifida and Their Peers: Neuropsychological Correlates


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Objective To identify differences in social behaviors in observed peer interactions between children with spina bifida (SB) and peers, and to examine neuropsychological correlates of these differences. Method A total of 100 youth (aged 8-15 years) with SB and peers participated in video-recorded interaction tasks, which were coded for interaction style, affect, and collaboration. Children with SB also completed a neuropsychological test battery. Results Children with SB demonstrated less adaptive social behaviors in peer interactions, particularly within the interaction style domain. Observational items found to be different between children with SB and their peers were best predicted by social language and attention abilities. Conclusions Children with SB exhibit a less adaptive interaction style and lower levels of social dominance but are comparable with typically developing peers on other social behaviors. The observed group differences may have a neuropsychological basis.
机译:目的通过观察脊柱裂儿童(SB)与同伴之间的同伴互动中的社交行为差异,并研究这些差异的神经心理学关联。方法共有100名SB和同龄人(8至15岁)参加了视频互动任务,并根据互动方式,情感和协作进行了编码。 SB患儿还完成了神经心理测验。结果SB儿童在同伴互动中表现出较少的适应性社交行为,尤其是在互动风格领域内。社交语言和注意力能力最好地预测SB儿童与同伴之间观察项的差异。结论SB儿童表现出较低的适应性互动方式和较低的社交优势水平,但与其他社交行为的典型同龄人可比。观察到的群体差异可能具有神经心理学基础。



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