首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pediatric orthopaedics. Part B >Management of post septic hip dislocations when the capital femoral epiphysis is present.

Management of post septic hip dislocations when the capital femoral epiphysis is present.


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Delayed or missed diagnosis of septic arthritis of hip in children results in various sequelae. The group of post septic hip dislocations when the capital femoral epiphysis (CFE) is present has not been described in the commonly used classifications. This is a retrospective series of 21 hips in 18 children. The presence of the CFE was confirmed radiologically or at the time of intervention. The mean follow-up after intervention was 6.3 years. Interventions for dislocations included closed reduction +/- adductor tenotomy, open reduction +/- supplementary femoral procedures, and acetabular procedures. Results were evaluated clinically with Ponseti hip scoring and radiologically with the modified Severin grading. Closed reduction was successful in seven of 20 hips (35%) and open reduction in 13 of 14 hips. At follow-up, good clinical result was seen in nine of 18 cases (50%). The mean neck shaft angle was 129 degrees in all hips and 124 degrees after femoral varus osteotomy. There was one redislocation and three subluxations. The modified Severin classification was class 2 in five hips (good), class 3 in 12 hips (fair), class 4 in three hips (poor), and class 6 in one hip (failure). Septic hip dislocation with CFE present is a distinct entity. MRI is helpful for planning treatment. A significant number of patients need open reduction with other procedures. Femoral varus osteotomy may contribute to coxa vara. In the short term, intervention results in a stable, functional, and mobile hip.
机译:儿童髋部败血性关节炎的诊断延迟或遗漏会导致各种后遗症。常见的分类中没有描述存在股骨骨epi(CFE)时的化脓后髋关节脱位。这是对18个孩子的21个髋关节的回顾性系列研究。通过放射学或在干预时证实了CFE的存在。干预后的平均随访时间为6.3年。脱位的干预措施包括闭合复位+/-内收肌腱切断术,开放复位+/-股骨补充手术和髋臼手术。临床结果通过Ponseti髋关节评分和改良的Severin评分进行放射学评估。 20髋中有7例(35%)闭合复位成功,14髋中有13例闭合复位成功。随访时,18例中有9例(50%)观察到良好的临床效果。所有髋关节的平均颈干轴角度均为129度,股骨内翻截骨术后平均为124度。发生了一次再分配和三个半脱位。修改后的Severin分类为5髋2级(好),12髋3级(一般),3髋4级(差)和1髋6级(失败)。存在CFE的败血性髋关节脱位是一个独特的实体。 MRI对计划治疗很有帮助。大量患者需要通过其他程序进行切开复位。股骨内翻截骨术可能会导致髋关节变宽。在短期内,干预可导致髋关节稳定,功能和活动性。



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