首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology: Official Journal of the American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc >Decline in rate of colonization of oligodendrocyte progenitor cell (OPC)-depleted tissue by adult OPCs with age.

Decline in rate of colonization of oligodendrocyte progenitor cell (OPC)-depleted tissue by adult OPCs with age.


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Rates of remyelination decline with age and this has been attributed to slower recruitment of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) into areas of demyelination and slower differentiation of OPCs into remyelinating oligodendrocytes. When considering causes for reduced recruitment rates, intrinsic causes (alterations in biological properties of OPCs) need to be separated from extrinsic causes (age-related differences in the lesion environment). Using 40 Gy of X-irradiation to deplete tissue of its endogenous OPC-population, we examined the effects of age on the rate at which adult rat OPCs colonize OPC-depleted tissue. We found a significant reduction in the rate of colonization between 2 and 10 months of age (0.6 mm/week versus 0.38 mm/week). To determine if this represented an intrinsic property of OPCs or was due to changes in the environment that the cells were recolonizing, OPCs from 10-month-old animals were transplanted into 2-month-old hosts and OPCs from 2-month-old animals were transplanted into 10-month-old hosts. These experiments showed that the transplanted OPCs retained their age-related rate of colonization, indicating that the decline in colonizing rates of OPCs with age reflects an intrinsic property of OPCs. This age-related decline in the ability of OPCs to repopulate OPC-depleted tissue has implications for understanding remyelination failure in multiple sclerosis (MS) and developing therapies for remyelination failure.
机译:髓鞘再生速率随年龄下降,这归因于少突胶质细胞祖细胞(OPC)进入脱髓鞘区域的速度较慢,以及OPC分化为再髓鞘性少突胶质细胞的速度较慢。在考虑降低招募率的原因时,需要将内在原因(OPCs生物学特性的改变)与外在原因(病变环境中与年龄相关的差异)分开。使用40 Gy的X射线辐照消耗组织中的内源性OPC种群,我们检查了年龄对成年大鼠OPC占据OPC耗尽组织的速率的影响。我们发现在2至10个月大时定植率显着降低(0.6毫米/周与0.38毫米/周)。为了确定这是否代表OPC的固有特性或是由于细胞重新定殖的环境变化所致,将10个月大动物的OPC移植到2个月大的宿主中,并将OPC移植到2个月大的动物中被移植到10个月大的宿主中。这些实验表明,移植的OPC保留了与年龄相关的定殖率,表明OPC的定殖率随年龄的下降反映了OPC的内在特性。 OPC重新填充耗尽OPC的组织的能力与年龄相关的这种下降对于理解多发性硬化症(MS)中的髓鞘再生失败以及开发针对髓鞘衰竭的疗法具有影响。



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