首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology: Official Journal of the American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc >Morphological progression of myelin abnormalities in IgM-monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein neuropathy.

Morphological progression of myelin abnormalities in IgM-monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein neuropathy.


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To characterize the morphological progression of neuropathy associated with immunoglobulin M-monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance with anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein antibody, we assessed histopathologic features of sural nerve specimens from 15 patients, emphasizing widely spaced myelin (WSM), demyelination, and tomaculous changes. The frequency of WSM correlated with that of demyelination and tomaculous appearance in teased-fiber preparations. In longitudinal sections at nodes of Ranvier and paranodal regions, the spaces between terminal myelin loops, particularly those adjacent to the node of Ranvier, were widened, indicating an early change before demyelination, and there was concomitant swelling of terminal myelin loops. Some conspicuously swollen terminal myelin loops were detached from the paranodal axolemma, thereby widening the nodes of Ranvier. Tomacula coexisted frequently with redundant myelin loops and WSM, particularly in the outermost layer of myelin sheaths, suggesting that loosening of the outer layers contributes to their formation. By immunofluorescence microscopy, immunoglobulin M and myelin-associated glycoprotein were colocalized in paranodal regions and Schmidt-Lanterman incisures. Confocal analysis revealed colocalization of immunoglobulin M and complement product C3d corresponding to the area of WSM. Thus, morphological changes in terminal myelin loops, formation of WSM at paranodes, and subsequent dissociation from paranodal axolemma (which may be associated with activation of the complement pathway) likely contribute to demyelination in this condition. Loosening of compact myelin seems to contribute to tomacula formation.
机译:为了表征与抗髓磷脂相关糖蛋白抗体相关的免疫球蛋白M单克隆球菌病意义不明的神经病的形态学进展,我们评估了15例患者腓肠神经标本的组织病理学特征,强调了大范围的髓磷脂(WSM),脱髓鞘和瘤状变化。在取笑的纤维制品中,WSM的发生频率与脱髓鞘和形态出现的频率相关。在Ranvier和旁结节区域的结节的纵切面中,末端髓鞘环之间的空间,特别是与Ranvier结点相邻的髓鞘环之间的空间变宽,表明脱髓鞘前的早期改变,并且伴随着末端髓鞘环的膨胀。一些明显肿胀的末端髓鞘环从淋巴结旁的腋窝上脱离,从而扩大了Ranvier的结节。 Tomacula经常与多余的髓鞘环和WSM并存,特别是在髓鞘的最外层,这表明外层的松动有助于它们的形成。通过免疫荧光显微镜检查,免疫球蛋白M和髓磷脂相关糖蛋白共定位在淋巴结区域和施密特-兰特曼损伤中。共聚焦分析显示免疫球蛋白M和补体产物C3d与WSM区域相对应的共定位。因此,末端髓鞘环的形态学改变,节旁WSM的形成以及随后从节旁性无轴胶束上解离(可能与补体途径的激活有关)可能会导致这种情况下的脱髓鞘。紧密髓磷脂的松动似乎有助于黄斑的形成。



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