首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery >Gingival hyperplasia associated with juvenile hyaline fibromatosis: a case report and review of the literature.

Gingival hyperplasia associated with juvenile hyaline fibromatosis: a case report and review of the literature.


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"Molluscum fibrosum," a variant of the neurofibroma-tosis disorders, was first described by Murray in 1873. However, in 1973 it was Kitano et al who renamed the disease "juvenile hyaline fibromatosis" (JHF). There have been approximately 70 cases of JHF reported in the literature to date. JHF is a rare autosomal dominant systemic disease of the connective tissue, typically presenting in childhood. In 2002, Rahman et al performed a genetic analysis of 2 families with JHF and linked JHF to a mutation on chromosome 4q21. The exact underlying pathogenesis of JHF is yet to be identified, but some investigators have proposed it results from an abnor- mality in collagen or the result of defective glycos-aminoglycan formation.
机译:Murray于1873年首次描述了神经纤维瘤样变态疾病的变种“软体纤维”。然而,1973年,Kitano等人将这种疾病重命名为“青少年透明纤维瘤病”(JHF)。迄今为止,已有文献报道了约70例JHF病例。 JHF是结缔组织的一种罕见的常染色体显性遗传性全身性疾病,通常在儿童时期出现。在2002年,Rahman等人对JHF的2个家族进行了遗传分析,并将JHF与4q21号染色体上的突变相关联。 JHF的确切发病机理尚待确定,但一些研究者提出,它是胶原蛋白异常或糖-氨基聚糖形成缺陷的结果。



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