首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pain and symptom management. >Building Resilience for Palliative Care Clinicians: An Approach to Burnout Prevention Based on Individual Skills and Workplace Factors

Building Resilience for Palliative Care Clinicians: An Approach to Burnout Prevention Based on Individual Skills and Workplace Factors


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For palliative care (PC) clinicians, the work of caring for patients with serious illness can put their own well-being at risk. What they often do not learn in training, because of the relative paucity of evidence-based programs, are practical ways to mitigate this risk. Because a new study indicates that burnout in PC clinicians is increasing, we sought to design an acceptable, scalable, and testable intervention tailored to the needs of PC clinicians. In this article, we describe our paradigm for approaching clinician resilience, our conceptual model, and curriculum for a workplace resilience intervention for hospital-based PC teams. Our paradigm for approaching resilience is based on upstream, early intervention. Our conceptual model posits that clinician well-being is influenced by personal resources and work demands. Our curriculum for increasing clinician resilience is based on training in eight resilience skills that are useful for common challenges faced by clinicians. To address workplace issues, our intervention also includes material for the team leader and a clinician perception survey of work demands and workplace engagement factors. The intervention will focus on individual skill building and will be evaluated with measures of resilience, coping, and affect. For PC clinicians, resilience skills are likely as important as communication skills and symptom management as foundations of expertise. Future work to strengthen clinician resilience will likely need to address system issues more directly. (C) 2016 American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:对于姑息治疗(PC)临床医生而言,照料重病患者的工作可能会危及自己的健康。由于基于证据的计划相对较少,他们在培训中通常不会学到的东西是减轻这种风险的实用方法。由于一项新的研究表明,PC临床医生的职业倦怠正在增加,因此我们试图设计出适合PC临床医生需求的可接受的,可扩展的和可测试的干预措施。在本文中,我们描述了用于实现临床医师抵御能力的范例,我们的概念模型以及针对医院PC团队的工作场所抵御能力干预的课程。我们寻求弹性的范例是基于上游的早期干预。我们的概念模型假定临床医生的健康状况受个人资源和工作需求的影响。我们提高临床医师适应能力的课程以八项适应技能的培训为基础,这些技能对于临床医师面临的常见挑战很有用。为了解决工作场所问题,我们的干预措施还包括团队负责人的材料以及临床医生对工作需求和工作场所参与因素的看法调查。干预措施将侧重于个人技能的培养,并将通过应变能力,应对能力和影响力进行评估。对于PC临床医生而言,适应能力与沟通技巧和症状管理一样,也与专业知识的基础一样重要。未来增强临床医生适应力的工作可能需要更直接地解决系统问题。 (C)2016美国临终关怀和姑息医学研究院。由Elsevier Inc.出版。保留所有权利。



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