首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Morphology >Ontogenetic Development and Sexual Dimorphism of Franciscana Dolphin Skull: A 3D Geometric Morphometric Approach

Ontogenetic Development and Sexual Dimorphism of Franciscana Dolphin Skull: A 3D Geometric Morphometric Approach


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The aim of this work was to study the postnatal ontogenetic development of Pontoporia blainvillei skull, identifying major changes on shape, and relating them to relevant factors in the life history of the species. We analyzed a complete ontogenetic series (73o, 83f) with three-dimensional geometric morphometric techniques. Immature dolphins showed a very well-developed braincase and a poorly developed rostrum, and the principal postnatal changes affected the rostrum and the temporal fossa, both structures implied functionally to the feeding apparatus, thus suggesting a specialized mode for catch fast prey in P. blainvillei. Osseous elements associated with sound production were already well developed on immature dolphins, suggesting the importance of this apparatus since the beginning of postnatal life. Sexual dimorphism was detected on both shape and size variables. Females were bigger than males, in accordance with previous studies. Shape differences between sexes were found on the posterior part of premaxillaries and external bony nares (P<0.01), suggesting that this sexual dimorphism is related to differences on vocalization capabilities. J. Morphol. 275:1366-1375, 2014. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:这项工作的目的是研究蓬蓬草头骨的产后个体发育,确定形状的主要变化,并将其与该物种的生活史中的相关因素联系起来。我们使用三维几何形态计量学技术分析了完整的本体序列(73o,83f)。未成熟的海豚表现出非常发达的脑部情况和发育不良的讲台,并且出生后的主要变化影响了讲台和颞窝,这两种结构在功能上都暗示着喂食装置,因此建议了一种特殊的模式来捕获布氏白僵菌。 。与声音产生相关的骨质元素已经在未成熟的海豚身上发育良好,这表明自出生后开始这种设备的重要性。在形状和大小变量上均检测到性二态性。根据先前的研究,女性比男性大。在上颌前部和外骨鼻孔后部发现性别差异(P <0.01),表明这种性别二态性与发声能力的差异有关。 J.莫普霍尔275:1366-1375,2014。(c)2014 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.



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