首页> 外文期刊>Journal of occupational and organizational psychology >Networking as a job search behaviour: A socialnetwork perspective

Networking as a job search behaviour: A socialnetwork perspective


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Although networking is typically recommended as a job search strategy in the popularpress, research on networking as a job search behaviour is scarce. On the basis of socialnetwork theory, the present study investigated whether the structure and compositionof job seekers' social network determined their networking behaviour and moderatedits relationship with job search and employment outcomes. The data were collectedin a large, representative sample of 1,177 unemployed Flemish job seekers, using atwo-wave longitudinal design. Job seekers with a larger social network and withstronger ties in their network spent more time networking, beyond individualdifferences in extraversion and conscientiousness. Networking explained incrementalvariance in job offers beyond job seekers' use of print advertising, the internet, andpublic employment services, but not in employment outcomes. Some evidence wasfound indicating that networking might be more effective for job seekers whose socialnetwork contains weaker and higher-status ties.



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