首页> 外文期刊>Journal of occupational and environmental medicine >Use of automated external defibrillators in us federal buildings: Implementation of the federal occupational health public access defibrillation program

Use of automated external defibrillators in us federal buildings: Implementation of the federal occupational health public access defibrillation program


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OBJECTIVE:: Federal Occupational Health (FOH) administers a nationwide public access defibrillation program in US federal buildings. We describe the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in federal buildings and evaluate survival after cardiac arrest. METHODS:: Using the FOH database, we examined reported events in which an AED was brought to a medical emergency in federal buildings over a 14-year period, from 1999 to 2012. RESULTS:: There were 132 events involving an AED, 96 (73%) of which were due to cardiac arrest of cardiac etiology. Of 54 people who were witnessed to experience a cardiac arrest and presented with ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia, 21 (39%) survived to hospital discharge. CONCLUSIONS:: Public access defibrillation, along with protocols to install, maintain, and deploy AEDs and train first responders, benefits survival after cardiac arrest in the workplace.
机译:目的:联邦职业健康(FOH)在美国联邦建筑物内管理全国性的公共除颤程序。我们描述了在联邦大楼中使用自动体外除颤器(AED)并评估心脏骤停后的生存率。方法:使用FOH数据库,我们调查了1999年至2012年14年间在联邦建筑物中将AED送入医疗急诊的报告事件。结果::涉及AED的事件有132起,其中96起( 73%)是由于心脏病因的心脏骤停所致。目睹发生心脏骤停并出现室颤或室性心动过速的54名患者中,有21名(39%)幸免于难。结论:公共访问除颤以及安装,维护和部署自动体外除颤器以及培训急救人员的协议,有益于心脏骤停后工作的生存。



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