首页> 外文期刊>Journal of occupational and environmental medicine >The joint effect of noise exposure and job complexity on distress and injury risk among men and women: the cardiovascular occupational risk factors determination in Israel study.

The joint effect of noise exposure and job complexity on distress and injury risk among men and women: the cardiovascular occupational risk factors determination in Israel study.


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We sought to explore the possibility that exposure to noise at work might interact with job complexity and gender to affect the incidence of occupational injury among industrial employees. In this study, we examined 4084 men and 1643 women from 21 industrial plants while controlling for a number of potent confounding variables, among them active safety hazards. Logistic regression results showed that the predictor variables interacted and that the highest injury risk (odds ratio = 2.72) was observed in women in high noise and high job complexity, compared with the referents scoring low on these predictors. The comparable injury risk in men was only 1.3. Parallel results were observed for three noise stress indicators: workload, noise annoyance and postwork irritability. We conclude that the joint exposure to noise and high job complexity is disruptive, resulting in higher distress and occupational injury risk, particularly among women.
机译:我们试图探讨在工作中暴露于噪声下可能会与工作的复杂性和性别发生相互作用从而影响工业员工职业伤害发生的可能性。在这项研究中,我们检查了21个工厂的4084名男性和1643名女性,同时控制了许多潜在的混杂变量,其中包括主动安全隐患。 Logistic回归结果显示,预测变量相互影响,并且在高噪声和高工作复杂性的女性中,与在这些预测因子上得分较低的女性相比,观察到最高的伤害风险(优势比= 2.72)。可比的男性受伤风险仅为1.3。观察到三个噪声压力指标的并行结果:工作量,噪声烦恼和工作后易怒。我们得出的结论是,噪声和高工作复杂性共同造成破坏性影响,尤其是在女性中,导致更高的困扰和职业伤害风险。



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