首页> 外文期刊>Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology: the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology >Feto-maternal outcome in pregnancies complicated by isolated fetal congenital complete heart block

Feto-maternal outcome in pregnancies complicated by isolated fetal congenital complete heart block


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A retrospective analysis of eleven pregnancies complicated by isolated fetal congenital complete heart block (CCHB) in anti-SSA/Ro antibody positive women was carried out at a tertiary hospital in India to study the perinatal outcome. The mean gestational age at the time of detection of fetal CCHB was 24.5 ± 3.1 weeks. Six mothers were asymptomatic; two had Sj?gren's syndrome and three had systemic lupus erythematosus. Oral dexamethasone was given to all the patients after the diagnosis was made. There was one case of intrauterine death. Seven (63.6%) neonates needed a permanent pacemaker. There was no significant difference in the perinatal outcome in asymptomatic women with fetal CCHB and in women with connective tissue disorder and fetal CCHB. To conclude, fetal CCHB is associated with high morbidity but the presence of underlying connective disorder in the mother does not worsen the prognosis of the affected neonate.
机译:在印度的一家三级医院中对11例妊娠并发抗SSA / Ro抗体阳性的女性先天性胎儿先天性完全性心脏传导阻滞(CCHB)进行回顾性分析,以研究围产期结局。检测胎儿CCHB时的平均胎龄为24.5±3.1周。六名母亲没有症状。 2名患有干燥综合征,3名患有系统性红斑狼疮。确诊后对所有患者进行口服地塞米松治疗。有一例宫内死亡。七名(63.6%)新生儿需要永久性起搏器。无症状胎儿CCHB的妇女和结缔组织疾病和胎儿CCHB的妇女的围产期结局无显着差异。总而言之,胎儿CCHB与高发病率相关,但是母亲中潜在的结缔性疾病的存在并不会使患新生儿的预后恶化。



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