首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Oilseeds Research >Self-incompatibility and seed set under different kinds of bagging methods for selfing in niger, Guizotia abyssinica Cass

Self-incompatibility and seed set under different kinds of bagging methods for selfing in niger, Guizotia abyssinica Cass


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India stands first in the production of niger in the world. From a mere 9324 tones valued at Rs. 21.36 crores, exports have gone up to 22,200 tones valued at Rs. 47.85 crores in 2001-2002. World trade in niger is about 50,000 tonnes and India is a major supplier to the world market. Besides, mainly used as bird feed, it is also a major ingredient in cattle feed mixture. It is cultivated as a minor oilseed crop in Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Maharashtra, Bihar, Jharkhand, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh andis extensively grown under rainfed conditions by marginal and submarginal tribal farmers. Though it has low productivity, production of seed depends on successful flowering, fruiting and seed setting. Thus, it becomes essential to gather information on the production of self seeds in considerable quantity, so that inbred can be developed for evolving new composite / hybrid. Therefore, the present study was conducted to know the self compatibility and the extent of seed sett in different types of bagging.
机译:印度是世界上尼日尔产量最高的国家。仅由9324音调制成,价值为Rs。 213.6千万卢比,出口量增加了22,200吨,价值卢比。 2001-2002年为4788.5亿英磅。尼日尔的世界贸易量约为50,000吨,而印度是世界市场的主要供应国。此外,它主要用作禽类饲料,也是牛饲料混合物中的主要成分。它是在中央邦,奥里萨邦,马哈拉施特拉邦,比哈尔邦,贾坎德邦,卡纳塔克邦和安得拉邦作为次要油料作物种植的,边际和边际部落农民在雨养条件下广泛种植。尽管其生产率低下,但种子的生产取决于成功的开花,结果和结实。因此,有必要收集有关大量自种种子生产的信息,以便可以开发自交系以进化新的复合材料/杂种。因此,进行本研究是为了了解不同类型套袋的自我相容性和结实程度。



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