首页> 外文期刊>Journal fur Ornithologie >Moult of three Palaearctic migrants in their West African winter quarters

Moult of three Palaearctic migrants in their West African winter quarters


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Some theories about moult strategies of Palaearctic passerine migrants assume that birds adapt timing of moult to environmental conditions such as rainfall on their African wintering grounds. Species wintering in the northern tropics should limit moult to the period shortly after their arrival at the end of the rainy season. Passerine migrants wintering in West Africa should also moult more rapidly compared to related species or conspecific populations that moult elsewhere. We investigated the moult of melodious warblers Hippolais polyglotta, willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus and pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca wintering in Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast, between October 1994 and April 1998. In contrast to previous studies we did not restrict our analyses to moult of flight feathers but also included moult of body feathers. The results differed partially from the general assumptions of previous authors. Melodious warblers moulted twice: a complete moult shortly after their arrival, and a moult of body feathers and in some cases some tertials and secondaries in spring. Willow warblers moulting flight feathers were found between December and March with the majority moulting in January and February. Primary moult was not faster compared to populations moulting in central Africa and South Africa. Body feather moult varied strongly among individuals with birds in heavy moult between December and April. Pied flycatchers moulted body feathers and tertials between January and April. Birds with growing feathers were found throughout the whole period including the entire dry season. Moult strategies are thus not readily related to a few environmental factors in general and our results show that factors other than mere resource availability during certain times on the wintering grounds are likely to govern the timing of moult.
机译:一些有关古北点雀形目候鸟迁徙策略的理论认为,鸟类适应了蜕皮时间以适应环境条件,例如非洲越冬场的降雨。北部热带地区越冬的物种应将换羽限制在雨季结束后不久到达的时期。与在其他地方蜕变的相关物种或同种种群相比,在西非越冬的雀形目鸟类迁徙也应该更快。我们调查了1994年10月至1998年4月在科特迪瓦国家公园越冬的鸣禽河豚,多毛柳莺Phylloscopus trochilus和斑fly蝇Ficedula hypoleuca的蜕变。羽毛,但也包括身体羽毛换羽。结果部分不同于先前作者的一般假设。悠扬的莺莺换羽两次:到达后不久即完全换羽,春季则换羽成羽,有时还包括鸟巢和次羽。在12月至3月之间发现了会蜕皮的柳莺,大多数在1月和2月间蜕皮。与中部非洲和南非的蜕皮种群相比,初代蜕皮的速度并不快。在12月至4月之间,成鸟较重的鸟类身上的体羽换羽差异很大。一月到四月之间,有色fly蝇会蜕变身体的羽毛和鸟巢。在整个时期(包括整个旱季)都发现了羽毛生长的鸟类。因此,换毛策略通常不易与一些环境因素相关,我们的结果表明,除越冬期间的某些时间仅获得资源以外,其他因素也可能决定换毛的时间。



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