首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neuroscience Research >Development and localisation of GABA(A) receptor alpha1, alpha2, beta2 and gamma2 subunit mRNA in the chick optic tectum.

Development and localisation of GABA(A) receptor alpha1, alpha2, beta2 and gamma2 subunit mRNA in the chick optic tectum.


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An in situ hybridisation technique was used to analyse the spatial and temporal pattern of expression of the mRNA encoding the four gamma-aminobutyric acid A (GABA(A)) receptor subunits (alpha1, alpha2, beta2, and gamma2) in the developing chick optic tectum. As a rule, layer i, layer h, and transient cell compartment 3 (TCC3) show the highest levels of expression, especially of alpha1, alpha2 and beta2, which undergo striking changes as a function of time. Apart from these common features, the global pattern is highly complex and dynamic. Such complexity derives from the fact that each subunit exhibits a characteristically distinct pattern of expression and the temporal evolution of each differs in the different layers of the tectum. The influence of several developmental cell behaviours such as proliferation, neuronal migration, programmed cell death, and differentiation must be taken into account to understand pattern complexity and dynamics. Our results suggest that differences in the rate of subunit expression, particularly of alpha1, alpha2, and beta2, could have significant consequences on GABA(A) receptor complex subunit composition along development and on the functional properties of the GABA neurotransmitter system.



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