首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurophysiology >Patch-clamp analysis of gene-targeted vomeronasal neurons expressing a defined V1r or V2r receptor: ionic mechanisms underlying persistent firing.

Patch-clamp analysis of gene-targeted vomeronasal neurons expressing a defined V1r or V2r receptor: ionic mechanisms underlying persistent firing.


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Sensory neurons in the mouse vomeronasal organ consist of two major groups, apical and basal, that project to different brain regions, express unique sets of receptors, and serve distinct functions. Electrical properties of these two subpopulations, however, have not been systematically characterized. V1rb2-tau-GFP and V2r1b-tau-GFP tagged vomeronasal sensory neurons (VSNs) were selected as prototypical apical or basal VSNs, respectively, and their biophysical properties were analyzed in acute slices that minimized cell damage. Basal V2r1b-expressing VSNs had voltage-gated conductances, and especially Na(+) (Nav) and Ca(2+) (Cav) currents, that were substantially larger than those observed in apical V1rb2 VSNs, although the resting membrane potential, input resistance, and membrane capacitance were similar in both cell types. Of several types of Cav currents, T-type and L-type Cav currents contributed to action potential firing, and both currents alone were capable of generating oscillatory Ca(2+) spikes. The L-type Cav current was uniquely coupled to a BK large-conductance K(+) current, and interplay between these channels played a critical role in repolarizing spikes and maintaining persistent firing in VSNs. Larger Nav and Cav conductances, along with a more positive inactivation voltage of the Nav current in the V2r1b VSNs, contributed to the larger spike amplitude and higher spike frequency induced by depolarizing current in these cells compared with V1rb2 VSNs. Basal GFP-negative VSNs and V2r1b VSNs responded to prolonged depolarization with persistent, but adapting discharge that could be relevant in sensory adaptation. Collectively, these results suggest a novel mechanism for regulating and encoding neuronal activity in the accessory olfactory system.
机译:小鼠犁鼻器器官中的感觉神经元由两大类组成:顶端和基底,它们投射到不同的大脑区域,表达独特的受体集合,并发挥不同的功能。然而,这两个亚群的电特性尚未得到系统地表征。 V1rb2-tau-GFP和V2r1b-tau-GFP标记的犁鼻感觉神经元(VSNs)被分别选作典型的心尖或基底VSNs,并在急性切片中分析了它们的生物物理特性,以最大程度地减少细胞损伤。表达基础V2r1b的VSN具有电压门控的电导,尤其是Na(+)(Nav)和Ca(2+)(Cav)电流,虽然比静息膜电位更高,但它们比在顶端V1rb2 VSN中观察到的电流大得多。两种电池类型的电阻和膜电容均相似。在几种类型的Cav电流中,T型和L型Cav电流促成动作电位触发,并且仅这两个电流就能产生振荡的Ca(2+)尖峰。 L型Cav电流独特地耦合到BK大电导K(+)电流,并且这些通道之间的相互作用在重新极化尖峰并维持VSN中的持续发射中起着关键作用。与V1rb2 VSN相比,更大的Nav和Cav电导以及V2r1b VSN中Nav电流的更强的失活电压,导致这些电池中的电流去极化导致更大的尖峰幅度和更高的尖峰频率。基础GFP阴性的VSN和V2r1b VSN对持续的去极化具有持续性,但适应性放电可能与感觉适应有关。总的来说,这些结果提出了一种新的机制,用于调节和编码辅助嗅觉系统中的神经元活动。



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