首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Northeast Agricultural University >Organic Substance Metabolism in Seeds of Sophora japonica during Germination

Organic Substance Metabolism in Seeds of Sophora japonica during Germination


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The metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and the change of enzyme activity in seeds of Sophora japonica during germination were studied by methods of Soxhlct's extraction, flow injection and colorimetric analysis of spectrophotometcr for providing theoretical basis for germination and storage of seeds of forest trees. The results are as follows: (1) The activity of enzymes in the seeds does not always coincide with the increase or decrease of their corresponding substances during germination of the seeds of Sophora japonica. (2) Proteins were first utilized during germination of the seeds. (3) The fatty acids reducing sugar and amino acids in the radicle+plumular axis were used psecedcntly over all others when the embryos grew. (4) excessive small—molecular substances produced by hydrolysis would accumulate in tissrcs and sometimes they were stored temporarily in the form of storage substances and finally used for embryo growth.
机译:通过Soxhlct提取,流动注射和分光光度法比色法研究了槐花种子发芽过程中脂肪,蛋白质和碳水化合物的代谢以及酶活性的变化,为林木种子的萌发和贮藏提供理论依据。结果如下:(1)在槐花种子发芽过程中,种子中酶的活性并不总是与其相应物质的增加或减少一致。 (2)首先在种子发芽过程中利用蛋白质。 (3)胚芽+胚轴上的脂肪酸还原糖和氨基酸在胚胎生长时被优先使用。 (4)水解产生的过量小分子物质会积聚在组织中,有时以储存物质的形式暂时储存,最后用于胚胎生长。



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