首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Northeast Agricultural University >Regulation of Development and Endogenous Polyamine Level in Chinese Cabbage (B. Campestris ssp. Pekinensis)

Regulation of Development and Endogenous Polyamine Level in Chinese Cabbage (B. Campestris ssp. Pekinensis)

机译:大白菜(B. Campestris ssp。Pekinensis)的发育和内源多胺水平的调节

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The endogenous polyaminc levels were tested at every developmental stage in different ecotypes of the Chinese cabbage. The results showed that polyamines (PAs) were decreased in the process of flower bud initiation and formation, but the floral stem formation and elongation were accompied by PAs increase. The level of Spm was related to the bolting date of Chinese cabbage. During the inducing of flower bud initiation and elongation of floral stem, and the changes of Spm were reversed between early bolting date and late bolting cultivars, but they have the same requirment for Spd for the starting of flower bud initiation and the starting of bolting. The level of Spd changed little during entire developmental stage for early bolting cultivars, but a lot for late bolting cultivars. The time that the highest level of Put appeared is related to the bolting date of Chinese cabbage.
机译:在不同生态类型的大白菜的每个发育阶段都测试了内源性多聚菌胺水平。结果表明,多胺(PAs)在花芽萌芽和形成过程中减少,而花梗的形成和伸长则随PAs的增加而增加。 Spm水平与大白菜抽ing日期有关。在诱导花芽萌芽和延长花梗伸长过程中,早抽ing期和晚抽bolt品种之间Spm的变化都发生了逆转,但对于花芽萌芽的开始和抽bolt的开始,它们对Spd的要求相同。 Spd的水平在整个发育阶段对早期抽for品种变化不大,但对于后期抽ing品种变化很大。最高Put出现的时间与大白菜的抽ing日期有关。



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