首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Northeast Agricultural University >Immunological Changes of Chicks Immunized with Marek's disease Vaccines and Challenged with Virulent MD Vims

Immunological Changes of Chicks Immunized with Marek's disease Vaccines and Challenged with Virulent MD Vims


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The experiment was conducted to inoculate one-day old chicks with Marck's disease (MD) trivalent and hcrpcsvirus of turkey (HVT) vaccines separately, and then to challenge them with virulent MD virus (vMDV) at the age of 15 days, and 5, 25, 45 and 75days after the challenge with vMDV, comparing with the control-challenged chicks without immunization, to detect the immunoprotetive efficacy and dynamic changes of the inductive activity of interleukin-2(IL-2), expression of IL-2 receptor and proliferativc function of T cells in thymus and spleen; the number of ANAE~+T, AP~+T cells and IgG, IgM, IgA antibody-producing cells in Bursa Fabricius, spleen, thymus, cecal tonsil and Harder gland; as the amount of T cells and IgG, IgM, IgA in peripheral bloodas well as the content of IgG, IgM and IgA in the tear, trachea washings, bile and intestinal fluids of the experimental chicks. The experimental results firstly demonstrate that the immunoregulation of IL-2, and IL—2 receptor, the cellualr and humoralimmune responses were significantly enhanced in the central and peripheral immune organs; the local rnucosal immune function were markedly amplified in the respiratory and digestive tracts of the immunized—challenged. chicks, which were closely correlated with the immunoprotection against MD; the immune response and immunoprotcctivc effect of the trivalent vaccine—immunized chicks were much better than those of HVT vaccine-immunized chicks.
机译:进行该实验的目的是分别给一天大的雏鸡接种三价的马克氏病(MD)和火鸡的hcrpcs病毒(HVT)疫苗,然后在15天龄时用强力的MD病毒(vMDV)攻击它们,用vMDV攻击后第25、45和75天,与未免疫的对照攻击小鸡进行比较,以检测白细胞介素2(IL-2)诱导活性,IL-2受体表达和免疫应答的免疫保护效力和动态变化。胸腺和脾脏中T细胞的增殖功能;法氏囊,脾脏,胸腺,盲肠扁桃体和哈德腺中ANAE〜+ T,AP〜+ T细胞和产生IgG,IgM,IgA抗体的细胞数量;外周血中T细胞和IgG,IgM,IgA的含量,以及实验雏鸡的泪液,气管洗液,胆汁和肠液中IgG,IgM和IgA的含量。实验结果首先表明,中枢和外周免疫器官中IL-2和IL-2受体的免疫调节,细胞免疫和体液免疫反应显着增强。免疫后,呼吸道和消化道局部肾小管免疫功能明显增强。小鸡,与针对MD的免疫保护密切相关;三价疫苗免疫雏鸡的免疫应答和免疫保护效果要好于HVT疫苗免疫雏鸡。



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