首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology >Efficacy of various antagonistic isolates and species of Trichoderma against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causing white stem rot of mustard.

Efficacy of various antagonistic isolates and species of Trichoderma against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causing white stem rot of mustard.


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The study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of various antagonists against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, the white stem rot pathogen of mustard. Of the eight isolates and species of antagonists tested in vitro, isolates of Trichoderma harzianum - 3 and T. harzianum - 4 were significantly better and most potent in reducing the growth of S. sclerotiorum. Similarly, antagonists T. harzianum - 4, T. harzianum - 3, and T. virens reduced sclerotia formation. Isolates found most potent in vitro were tested in pot soil to evaluate their efficacy on disease reduction when antagonists and pathogen were applied simultaneously or, T. viride was added 7 days after the pathogen, minimum pre-emergence damping off (15.7%) was recorded. However, T. harzianum was superior in checking lesion length and post-emergence damping-off when applied 7 d after or simultaneously with the pathogen. Soil application of T. harzianum resulted in less disease intensity as compared to control (54%) when applied simultaneously or 7 d prior to the pathogen. The antagonists applied @ 15 g kg-1 soil irrespective of time of application were superior than lower doses. Correlation matrix for mycelial growth inhibition by Trichoderma strains in relation to number of sclerotia formation had negative and high correlation (R2=0.976).
机译:进行该研究以评估各种拮抗剂对芥菜菌核白硬化病菌Sclerotiorum sclerotiorum的功效。在体外测试的八种分离物和拮抗剂种类中,哈茨木霉-3和哈茨木霉-4的分离物明显更好,并且在减少菌核链球菌生长方面最有效。类似地,拮抗剂T. harzianum-4,T。harzianum-3和T. virens减少了菌核的形成。在盆栽土壤中测试发现最有效的体外分离株,以评估同时施用拮抗剂和病原体或病原体后第7天添加三叶草T. viride的减病效果,记录到的最小发芽前抑制作用(15.7%) 。但是,在病原体感染后或与病原体同时施药7天后,哈茨木霉(T. harzianum)在检查病灶长度和出苗后衰减方面具有优势。与对照(54%)同时施用或在病原体之前7 d施用哈茨木霉可降低病害强度。不论施用时间如何,在15 g kg -1 土壤中施用的拮抗剂均优于较低剂量。木霉菌菌株抑制菌丝生长的相关矩阵与菌核形成数量呈负相关,且相关性较高(R 2 = 0.976)。



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