首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 12th International Rapeseed Congress: Sustainable Development in Cruciferous Oilseed Crops Production >Control stem white rot of rapeseed caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum with Coniothyrium minitans, focused on application time

Control stem white rot of rapeseed caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum with Coniothyrium minitans, focused on application time




Stem white rot of rapeseed caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in China is a major obstacle for further improvement of seed yield. Coniothyrium minitans, a mycoparasite of S. sclerotiorun, was introduced to control this disease in field. To find out the optimal delivery time, conidia of C. minitans were aerially delivered onto plants at 5 % bloom, 10 % bloom and 50 % bloom at Xishui county, Tianmen county and Wuxue county of Hubei Province from 2004 to 2006. The efficiency of C. minitans on control stem white rot was evaluated via yield improvement and reduction of disease severity. Among 36 valid C. minitans treatments, 30 treatrments showed that the seed yields were improved with a range of 6.0 % to 27.3 %. C. minitans delivered at 5 %bloom and 10 % bloom gave higher efficiency than at 50 %; and applied twice (one at 5 % bloom and the other at 10 % bloom)gave the highest efficiency. The results also showed that C. minitans could reduce the disease severity when applied at 5 % bloom and 10 % bloom, however, the disease severity was not related to the loss of seed yield. In all experiments, dimethachlon was used as control, and results showed that this fungicide gave better efficiency than C. minitans did. This is the first time we evaluated the efficiency of C. minitans via seed yield of rapeseed. The potential of aerial application and the factors which may affect the efficiency of C. minitans against stem white rot were also discussed.
机译:在中国,由菌核盘菌引起的菜籽茎白腐病是进一步提高种子产量的主要障碍。引进了小孢子虫,S。sclerotiorun的一种真菌寄生虫,以控制该病。为了找出最佳的交货时间,2004年至2006年,湖北省习水县,天门县和武穴县将小孢子虫的分生孢子以5%盛开,10%盛开和50%盛开的方式空运到植物上。通过提高产量和降低疾病严重程度来评估对照茎白腐病上的小隐孢子虫。在36种有效的小叶隐孢子虫处理中,有30种处理表明,种子产量提高了6.0%至27.3%。 C. minitans以5%的水华和10%的水华提供了比50%更高的效率。并应用两次(一次以5%的水华率,另一次以10%的水华率)获得最高效率。结果还表明,当在5%花朵和10%花朵条件下施用时,C。minitans可以降低病害的严重程度,但是,病害的严重程度与种子产量的下降无关。在所有实验中,均使用二甲双胍作为对照,结果表明,该杀菌剂的效率比小杀线虫(C. minitans)更好。这是我们首次通过油菜籽种子产量评估小球藻的效率。还讨论了空中应用的潜力以及可能影响小隐孢子虫抗茎白腐病效率的因素。



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