首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Brain levels of CDK5 activator p25 are not increased in Alzheimer's or other neurodegenerative diseases with neurofibrillary tangles.

Brain levels of CDK5 activator p25 are not increased in Alzheimer's or other neurodegenerative diseases with neurofibrillary tangles.


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Elevated levels of p25 and constitutive activation of CDK5 have been observed in AD brains. This has led to the hypothesis that increased p25 levels could promote neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) through CDK5-mediated hyperphosphorylation of tau, the principal component of NFTs. We examined p25 immunoreactivity in brains from sporadic and familial AD cases, as well as other neurologic diseases that exhibit NFT, such as Down's syndrome (DS), Pick's disease (Pick), corticobasal degeneration (CBD), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Neither the p25 immunoreactivity nor the p25/p35 ratio was elevated in the AD brains or in the other tauopathies (n = 34) compared with controls (n = 11). Although Abeta peptides have been suggested to activate calpain-mediated cleavage of p35 to p25 in cultured neurons, p25 levels in brains of TgCRND8 mice, which express high levels of brain Abeta peptides, were similar to those of non-Tg littermates. Our data suggest that high Abeta levels in brain do not activate p35 proteolysis, and p25 is unlikely to be a causative agent for NFT formation in AD or other tauopathies.
机译:在AD脑中已经观察到p25水平升高和CDK5组成性激活。这导致了这样一个假说,即p25水平的升高可通过CDK5介导的tau(NFT的主要成分)的过度磷酸化来促进神经原纤维缠结(NFT)。我们检查了散发性和家族性AD病例以及其他表现出NFT的神经系统疾病(例如唐氏综合症(DS),皮克氏病(Pick),皮质基底变性(CBD),进行性核上性麻痹(PSP),额颞叶性痴呆(FTD)。与对照组(n = 11)相比,AD脑或其他颅内病变(n = 34)的p25免疫反应性和p25 / p35比率均未升高。尽管已经建议Abeta肽激活钙蛋白酶介导的神经元中p35到p25的裂解,但是TgCRND8小鼠大脑中表达高水平的大脑Abeta肽的p25水平与非Tg同窝仔相似。我们的数据表明,大脑中高水平的Abeta不能激活p35蛋白水解,而p25不太可能是AD或其他疾病中NFT形成的致病因子。



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