首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Tyrosine hydroxylase in the european eel (Anguilla anguilla): cDNA cloning, brain distribution, and phylogenetic analysis.

Tyrosine hydroxylase in the european eel (Anguilla anguilla): cDNA cloning, brain distribution, and phylogenetic analysis.


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We report the isolation of a full-length eel tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) cDNA that is characterized by a long 3' untranslated region and by a diversity restricted to the 3' end owing to the differential use of three polyadenylation signals. The longest eel TH mRNA was distinctive in the presence of four pentameric elements (AUUUA) in the AU-rich 3' noncoding region. Such a diversity could provide the basis of posttranscriptional or translational regulation of eel TH gene expression. Comparison of the eel TH sequence with those of other aromatic amino acid hydroxylases (TH, tryptophan hydroxylase, and phenylalanine hydroxylase) and phylogenetic analysis confirmed that the N-terminal regulatory domain is highly divergent, contrasting with the conservation of the catalytic core of the enzyme. Molecular phylogenies including the available sequences of the three hydroxylase genes suggested that the duplication of their common ancestor occurred before the emergence of arthropods. The regional expression of the eel TH mRNA was studied by semiquantitative PCR, northern blots, and in situ hybridization and compared with the immunocytochemical localization of TH protein. The data showed that TH mRNA is mostly expressed in the olfactory and hypothalamic areas, whereas sparse TH-expressing cell bodies are present in the telencephalic region and brainstem. No labeling was detected in the mesencephalic area, in striking contrast with that found in amphibians and amniotes.
机译:我们报告的全长鳗鱼酪氨酸羟化酶(TH)cDNA的分离,其特征是长的3'非翻译区和由于3个聚腺苷酸化信号的差异使用而限制在3'端的多样性。在富含AU的3'非编码区中存在四个五聚体元素(AUUUA)时,最长的鳗鱼TH mRNA具有显着性。这样的多样性可以为鳗TH基因表达的转录后或翻译调控提供基础。鳗TH TH序列与其他芳香族氨基酸羟化酶(TH,色氨酸羟化酶和苯丙氨酸羟化酶)的序列比较和系统发育分析证实,N末端调节域高度趋异,与酶催化核心的保守性形成对比。 。包括三个羟化酶基因的可用序列在内的分子系统学研究表明,它们共同祖先的复制发生在节肢动物出现之前。通过半定量PCR,Northern印迹和原位杂交研究了鳗鱼TH mRNA的区域表达,并与TH蛋白的免疫细胞化学定位进行了比较。数据显示,TH mRNA主要在嗅觉和下丘脑区域表达,而稀疏的TH表达细胞体存在于端脑区和脑干。与两栖动物和羊膜动物相比,在中脑区域未检测到标记。



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