
Parkinsonism genes: culprits and clues.


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Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by a unique clinical constellation that includes: slowness, rigidity, gait difficulty, and tremor at rest. Pathological studies have linked this presentation to the loss of midbrain dopamine neurons (Gelb et al. 1999) although other neuronal populations are also targeted in PD. Epidemiological data implicate both genetic and environmental factors in the etiology of the disease. The identification of a series of genes that underlie relatively rare, familial forms of Parkinsonism (a clinical term that encompasses 'sporadic' PD, familial Parkinson's-like forms, as well as other related syndromes) has brought excitement to the field. Three of the mutated familial Parkinsonism (FP) genes: Parkin, DJ-1, and PINK1, typically present with apparent autosomal recessive inheritance and are implicated in mitochondria and oxidative stress-related survival pathways. Two other FP genes: alpha-Synuclein (alphaSyn) and LRRK2, present in an autosomal dominant pattern and are associated with prominent intracellular protein inclusions. A series of recent publications suggest novel pathways that may link the FP genes.
机译:帕金森氏病(PD)的特征是独特的临床星座,包括:缓慢,僵硬,步态困难和静止时的震颤。病理学研究将这种表现与中脑多巴胺神经元的丧失联系在一起(Gelb等,1999),尽管其他神经元群体也被靶向PD。流行病学数据在疾病的病因学中暗示了遗传和环境因素。鉴定一系列相对罕见的家族性帕金森病基因(临床术语包括“散发性” PD,家族性帕金森氏病形式以及其他相关综合症)的基因引起了人们的兴趣。突变的家族性帕金森病(FP)基因中的三个基因:Parkin,DJ-1和PINK1,通常具有明显的常染色体隐性遗传,并且与线粒体和氧化应激相关的生存途径有关。其他两个FP基因:α-突触核蛋白(alphaSyn)和LRRK2,以常染色体显性模式存在,并与突出的细胞内蛋白质内含物相关。一系列最新的出版物提出了可能连接FP基因的新途径。



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