首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Helminthology >Digenean metacercariae of fishes from the lagoon flats of Palmyra Atoll, Eastern Indo-Pacific.

Digenean metacercariae of fishes from the lagoon flats of Palmyra Atoll, Eastern Indo-Pacific.


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Although many studies on the taxonomy of digenean trematodes of marine fishes have been completed in the Eastern Indo-Pacific (EIP) marine ecoregion, only a few have considered metacercarial stages. Here, the results are presented of a taxonomic survey of the digenean metacercariae of fishes from Palmyra Atoll, a remote and relatively pristine US National Wildlife Refuge located 1680 km SSW of Hawaii. Up to 425 individual fish were collected, comprising 42 fish species, from the sand flats bordering the lagoon of the atoll. Quantitative parasitological examinations of each fish were performed. Morphological descriptions of the encountered digenean metacercariae are provided, together with their prevalence, mean intensities, host and tissue-use. Up to 33,964 individuals were recovered representing 19 digenean metacercaria species from eight families. The species composition of digeneans in lagoon fishes at Palmyra Atoll is a subset of what has previously been reported for the EIP. Further, the large diversity and abundance of metacercariae reported in this study highlight the utility of including this group in future ecological research in the EIP marine ecoregion.
机译:尽管在东印度洋-太平洋(EIP)海洋生态区中已经完成了许多有关海洋鱼类双基因吸虫的分类学的研究,但只有少数研究考虑了meta生阶段。在这里,结果显示了对来自Palmyra Atoll的鱼类的双基因鱼类cer的分类学调查,Palmera环礁是一个偏远且相对原始的美国国家野生动物保护区,位于夏威夷西南偏南1680公里处。从与环礁泻湖接壤的沙地中收集了多达425种鱼类,包括42种鱼类。对每条鱼进行了定量寄生虫学检查。提供了遇到的双基因meta尾cer的形态学描述,以及它们的患病率,平均强度,宿主和组织用途。回收了多达33964个个体,它们代表了来自8个科的19种双基因的尾cer。巴尔米拉环礁泻湖鱼类中双基因动物的物种组成是先前关于EIP报道的一个子集。此外,本研究报告的of尾c的多样性和丰富性凸显了将该群体纳入EIP海洋生态区的未来生态研究中的实用性。



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