首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Helminthology >Induction of ulcerative colitis in mice influences the course of infection with the nematode Trichuris muris

Induction of ulcerative colitis in mice influences the course of infection with the nematode Trichuris muris

机译:小鼠溃疡性结肠炎的诱导影响线虫Trichuris muris的感染过程

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The aim of this study was to assess the effect of infection with the nematode whipworm Trichuris muris on the course of chemically induced acute ulcerative colitis in CBA/J mice, a strain proven to be highly resistant to infection with T. muris. Each mouse was infected with 50 embryonated eggs of T. muris by oral gavage. Acute colitis was triggered by administering 4% dextran sulphate sodium (DSS) in the drinking water for nine consecutive days at different times after infection. Concurrent infection and DSS administration exacerbate the severity of the colitis while favouring the permanence of parasites in the intestine. The induction of ulcerative colitis from days 54 to 62 post-infection (p.i.), when all worms had been expelled, ameliorated the course of the inflammatory disease. When ulcerative colitis was triggered earlier on, from days 27 to 35 p.i., the beneficial effects on inflammatory events were clearly shown with signs of mucosal epithelization and regeneration as early as day 1 after DSS administration. Previous infections by T. muris therefore accelerate recovery from subsequently induced inflammatory bowel disease and such an effect assists the nematode to persist in the intestinal niche.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估线虫鞭虫Trichuris muris感染对化学诱导的CBA / J小鼠急性溃疡性结肠炎过程的影响,CBA / J小鼠被证明具有高度的抵抗力。通过口服管饲法将每只小鼠感染了50个T. muris胚胎卵。在感染后的不同时间连续九天在饮用水中施用4%右旋糖酐硫酸钠(DSS)引发急性结肠炎。并发感染和DSS给药加剧了结肠炎的严重性,同时有利于肠内寄生虫的持久性。感染后第54天到第62天(p.i.)诱发溃疡性结肠炎,此时所有蠕虫均已被驱除,从而减轻了炎症性疾病的进程。当溃疡性结肠炎在p.i.的第27天至第35天更早触发时,对炎症事件的有利作用已在DSS给药后的第1天就清楚地显示出粘膜上皮化和再生的迹象。因此,先前由鼠毛衣原体引起的感染加速了从随后引起的炎症性肠病的恢复,并且这种作用有助于线虫在肠道生态位中持续存在。



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