
Peakedness and peakedness ordering


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The peakedness of a random variable (RV) X about a point a is defined by P _a(x)=P({pipe}X-a{pipe}≤x),x≥0. A RV X is said to be less peaked about a than a RV Y about b, denoted by X≤ _(pkd(a,b))Y, if P({pipe}X-a{pipe}≤x)≤P({pipe}Y-b{pipe}≤x) for all x≥0, i.e., {pipe}X-a{pipe} is stochastically larger than {pipe}Y-b{pipe}. These generalize the original definitions of Birnbaum (1948) [2] who considered the cases where X and Y were symmetric about a and b, respectively. Statistical inferences about the distribution functions of continuous X and Y under peakedness ordering in the symmetric case have been treated in the literature. Rojo etal. (2007) [12] provided estimators of the distributions in the general case and analyzed their properties. We show that these estimators could have poor asymptotic properties relative to those of the empiricals. We provide improved estimators of the DFs, show that they are consistent, derive the weak convergence of the estimators, compare them with the empirical estimators, and provide formulas for statistical inferences. An example is also used to illustrate our theoretical results.
机译:随机变量(RV)X围绕点a的峰值由P _a(x)= P({pipe} X-a {pipe}≤x),x≥0定义。如果P({pipe} Xa {pipe}≤x)≤P({},则RV X在a左右的峰比在b左右的RV Y少。对于所有x≥0的管道} Yb {管道}≤x),即{管道} Xa {管道}随机大于{管道} Yb {管道}。这些概括了Birnbaum(1948)[2]的原始定义,他们考虑了X和Y分别关于a和b对称的情况。在文献中已经处理了关于在对称情况下峰值连续性下连续X和Y的分布函数的统计推断。罗霍(Rojo)等人。 (2007)[12]提供了在一般情况下的分布估计,并分析了它们的性质。我们表明,相对于经验值,这些估计量可能具有较差的渐近性质。我们提供了改进的DF估计量,表明它们是一致的,得出估计量的弱收敛,将它们与经验估计量进行比较,并提供用于统计推断的公式。还用一个例子来说明我们的理论结果。



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