首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Molecular Liquids >Laser induced electro-optical characterization of anthraquinone dye and fullerene C60 doped guest-host liquid crystal systems

Laser induced electro-optical characterization of anthraquinone dye and fullerene C60 doped guest-host liquid crystal systems


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Liquid crystals have become the focus of great interest in recent years particularly with applications in display technology. Guest-host liquid crystal displays (GH-LCDs) are widely utilized because of their many advantages such as color, wide viewing angle and high brightness. The aim of this study is to determine the electro-optical properties of disperse orange 11 dye and fullerene C60 doped GH-LCDs. A 40 mW He–Cd (λ = 441.6 nm) laserwas used as a pumping source during the measurements,whichwere carried out by an impedance analyzer to observe the effect of laser illumination on the samples. Dielectric anisotropy was quantitatively estimated by using capacitive measurements and estimated as positive for all samples. Photoconductivity of the samples was defined under dark and illuminated conditions. Experimental results also indicate that laser pumping has a considerable effect on the photoconductivity.
机译:近年来,液晶成为人们特别关注的焦点,尤其是在显示技术中的应用。来宾-主机液晶显示器(GH-LCD)具有许多优点,例如颜色,宽视角和高亮度,因此被广泛使用。这项研究的目的是确定分散的橙色11染料和富勒烯C60掺杂的GH-LCD的电光性能。在测量过程中,使用40 mW的He-Cd(λ= 441.6 nm)激光器作为泵浦光源,由阻抗分析仪进行观测,以观察激光照射对样品的影响。介电常数各向异性通过使用电容测量进行定量估算,并且对于所有样品均估算为正值。在黑暗和光照条件下确定样品的光电导性。实验结果还表明,激光泵浦对光电导有很大影响。



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