首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal Chemistry >Targacept active conformation search: A new method for predicting the conformation of a ligand bound to its protein target

Targacept active conformation search: A new method for predicting the conformation of a ligand bound to its protein target


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Targacept active conformation search (TACS) is a novel variation of well-established three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship methodologies that seeks to determine probable conformation(s) of ligands bound to their protein targets. A combination of affinity or activity data and energetically accessible conformational ensembles, each conformer described by three-dimensional (3-D) sensitive descriptors, forms the basis of the TACS data model. Recursive pruning is used to reduce the size of both the conformational ensemble and the descriptor space until the TACS data model contains just enough information to determine probable conformation(s) of ligands bound to their protein targets. The TAGS algorithm is comprised of five components: (1) conformational ensemble generation, (2) 3-D sensitive descriptor calculation, (3) ensemble descriptor preprocessing, (4) model generation, and (5) prediction of bound conformation(s). Significantly, this method precludes the need for subjective or objective molecular alignment. We report the application of this technique to five benchmark protein-ligand couples where the conformation of a bound ligand has been previously established using X-ray crystallography: 9-cis-retinoic (1) and 9-trans-retinoic acid (2), both agonists for the retinoic acid receptor gamma, compounds KH1060 (3) and MC1288 (4), which bind to the vitamin D3 receptor, and R04 (5), an inhibitor bound to human rhinovirus 14 thermolysin. The binding conformations predicted by TACS were compared to the crystallographic structures extracted from their respective binding sites using root-mean-squared deviation (rmsd) criteria. Three of the conformations found using TAGS were within crystallographic error. 9-cis-Retinoic acid, 9-trans-retinoic acid, and MC1288, when superimposed on their crystallographic structures, gave rmsd values of 0.22, 0.17, and 0.34 Angstrom, respectively. The rmsd values for KH1060 (1.54 Angstrom) and R04 (1.01 Angstrom) were larger but still reasonable.
机译:Targacept活性构象搜索(TACS)是一种完善的三维定量结构-活性关系方法学的新颖变体,旨在确定与蛋白质靶标结合的配体的可能构象。亲和力或活动数据与能量可访问的构象集合的组合(每个构象者由三维(3-D)敏感描述符描述)形成了TACS数据模型的基础。递归修剪用于减小构象集合和描述符空间的大小,直到TACS数据模型仅包含足够的信息来确定与其蛋白靶标结合的配体的可能构象。 TAGS算法由五部分组成:(1)构象集合生成,(2)3-D敏感描述符计算,(3)集合描述符预处理,(4)模型生成以及(5)绑定构象的预测。重要的是,该方法排除了主观或客观分子比对的需要。我们报告了这项技术在五个基准蛋白质-配体对中的应用,其中以前已使用X射线晶体学确定了结合配体的构象:9-顺-视黄酸(1)和9-反-视黄酸(2),两种都是视黄酸受体γ的激动剂,与维生素D3受体结合的化合物KH1060(3)和MC1288(4),以及与人鼻病毒14嗜热菌蛋白酶结合的抑制剂R04(5)。使用根均方差(rmsd)标准,将TACS预测的结合构象与从各自结合位点提取的晶体结构进行比较。使用TAGS发现的三个构象均在晶体学误差范围内。 9-顺式视黄酸,9-反式视黄酸和MC1288叠加在其晶体结构上时,均方根值分别为0.22、0.17和0.34埃。 KH1060(1.54埃)和R04(1.01埃)的均方根值较大,但仍然合理。



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