首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal Chemistry >A Knowledge-Based Energy Function for Protein-Ligand, Protein-Protein, and Protein-DNA Complexes.

A Knowledge-Based Energy Function for Protein-Ligand, Protein-Protein, and Protein-DNA Complexes.


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We developed a knowledge-based statistical energy function for protein-ligand, protein-protein, and protein-DNA complexes by using 19 atom types and a distance-scale finite ideal-gas reference (DFIRE) state. The correlation coefficients between experimentally measured protein-ligand binding affinities and those predicted by the DFIRE energy function are around 0.63 for one training set and two testing sets. The energy function also makes highly accurate predictions of binding affinities of protein-protein and protein-DNA complexes. Correlation coefficients between theoretical and experimental results are 0.73 for 82 protein-protein (peptide) complexes and 0.83 for 45 protein-DNA complexes, despite the fact that the structures of protein-protein (peptide) and protein-DNA complexes were not used in training the energy function. The results of the DFIRE energy function on protein-ligand complexes are compared to the published results of 12 other scoring functions generated from either physical-based, knowledge-based, or empirical methods. They include AutoDock, X-Score, DrugScore, four scoring functions in Cerius 2 (LigScore, PLP, PMF, and LUDI), four scoring functions in SYBYL (F-Score, G-Score, D-Score, and ChemScore), and BLEEP. While the DFIRE energy function is only moderately successful in ranking native or near native conformations, it yields the strongest correlation between theoretical and experimental binding affinities of the testing sets and between rmsd values and energy scores of docking decoys in a benchmark of 100 protein-ligand complexes. The parameters and the program of the all-atom DFIRE energy function are freely available for academic users at http://theory.med.buffalo.edu.
机译:我们通过使用19种原子类型和距离尺度有限理想气体参考(DFIRE)状态,为蛋白质-配体,蛋白质-蛋白质和蛋白质-DNA复合物开发了基于知识的统计能量函数。对于一个训练集和两个测试集,实验测量的蛋白质-配体结合亲和力与由DFIRE能量函数预测的亲和力之间的相关系数约为0.63。能量函数还可以高度准确地预测蛋白质-蛋白质和蛋白质-DNA复合物的结合亲和力。尽管没有在训练中使用蛋白质-蛋白质(肽)和蛋白质-DNA复合物的结构,但理论和实验结果之间的相关系数对于82个蛋白质-蛋白质(肽)复合物为0.73,对于45个蛋白质-DNA复合物为0.83。能量函数。将DFIRE能量函数对蛋白质-配体复合物的结果与从基于物理,基于知识或经验方法生成的其他12种评分函数的公开结果进行比较。它们包括AutoDock,X-Score,DrugScore,Cerius 2中的四个评分功能(LigScore,PLP,PMF和LUDI),SYBYL中的四个评分功能(F-Score,G-Score,D-Score和ChemScore),以及BLEEP。尽管DFIRE能量函数仅能成功地对天然或接近天然构象进行排名,但它在测试集的理论和实验结合亲和力以及均方根值和对接诱饵的能量得分(以100个蛋白质配体为基准)之间产生了最强的相关性。复合体。学术用户可以在http://theory.med.buffalo.edu免费获得全原子DFIRE能量函数的参数和程序。



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