首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Virology >Stress-induced subclinical reactivation of varicella zoster virus in astronauts.

Stress-induced subclinical reactivation of varicella zoster virus in astronauts.


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Varicella zoster virus (VZV) becomes latent in human ganglia after primary infection. VZV reactivation occurs primarily in elderly individuals, organ transplant recipients, and patients with cancer and AIDS, correlating with a specific decline in cell-mediated immunity to the virus. VZV can also reactivate after surgical stress. The unexpected occurrence of thoracic zoster 2 days before space flight in a 47-year-old healthy astronaut from a pool of 81 physically fit astronauts prompted our search for VZV reactivation during times of stress to determine whether VZV can also reactivate after non-surgical stress. We examined total DNA extracted from 312 saliva samples of eight astronauts before, during, and after space flight for VZV DNA by polymerase chain reaction: 112 samples were obtained 234-265 days before flight, 84 samples on days 2 through 13 of space flight, and 116 samples on days 1 through 15 after flight. Before space flight, only one of the 112 saliva samples from a single astronaut was positive for VZV DNA. In contrast, during and after space flight, 61 of 200 (30%) saliva samples were positive in all eight astronauts. No VZV DNA was detected in any of 88 saliva samples from 10 healthy control subjects. These results indicate that VZV can reactivate subclinically in healthy individuals after non-surgical stress. J. Med. Virol. 72:174-179, 2004.
机译:水痘带状疱疹病毒(VZV)在初次感染后在人神经节中潜伏。 VZV激活主要发生在老年人,器官移植受者以及患有癌症和艾滋病的患者中,这与细胞介导的对该病毒的免疫力的特定下降有关。手术后,VZV也可以重新激活。一名47岁的健康宇航员从81名身体健康的宇航员的太空中进行太空飞行前两天,意外地出现胸带状疱疹,这促使我们在压力时期寻找VZV激活,以确定在非手术压力后VZV是否还可以激活。我们通过聚合酶链反应检查了从八名宇航员的312个唾液样本中提取的总DNA,用于VZV DNA的空间聚合酶链反应:在飞行前234-265天获得了112个样本,在飞行第二天至第13天获得了84个样本,在飞行后的第1至15天收集了116个样本。在太空飞行之前,来自单个宇航员的112份唾液样本中只有一项呈VZV DNA阳性。相反,在太空飞行期间和之后,在所有八位宇航员中,有200个(30%)唾液样本中有61个呈阳性。在来自10名健康对照受试者的88个唾液样本中,没有检测到VZV DNA。这些结果表明,VZV可以在非手术压力后在健康个体中亚临床激活。 J. Med。病毒。 72:174-179,2004。



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