首页> 外文期刊>Journal of micro and nano manufacturing >A Multilayer Strategy for Improving the Abrasion Resistance of Silica Nanoparticle-Based Motheye Antireflective Coatings on Glass

A Multilayer Strategy for Improving the Abrasion Resistance of Silica Nanoparticle-Based Motheye Antireflective Coatings on Glass


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Motheye antireflective coatings (ARCs) are based on periodic or stochastic features with dimensions below the wavelength of visible light which can be used to produce a gradient index of refraction between air and the substrate. In this work, two silica nanoparticle-based motheye ARCs of similar optical performance, but different physical structures, were deposited on glass and characterized for mechanical behavior to provide insights into the mechanisms for abrasion resistance in these films. Optical and mechanical performances were evaluated in light of the mechanical properties and physical structure of the films using models for describing the mechanical behavior of the films. The results show that the three-layer coating was found to have better abrasion resistance than a simple single layer coating largely due to better crack nucleation resistance and scratch resistance. The simple single-layer film showed better crack propagation resistance than the three-layer film due to the existence of nanoparticles (NPs) throughout the cross section of the film. The three-layer film appears to have higher work of adhesion based on exhibiting better delamination and spallation resistance.
机译:Motheye抗反射涂层(ARC)基于周期性或随机特征,其尺寸低于可见光的波长,可用于在空气和基材之间产生折射率梯度。在这项工作中,在玻璃上沉积了两个具有相似光学性能但物理结构不同的基于二氧化硅纳米粒子的Motheye ARC,并对它们的机械行为进行了表征,以深入了解这些薄膜的耐磨性机理。使用用于描述膜的机械行为的模型,根据膜的机械性能和物理结构评价光学和机械性能。结果表明,发现三层涂层比简单的单层涂层具有更好的耐磨性,这在很大程度上是由于更好的抗龟裂成核性和抗划伤性。由于整个薄膜的横截面中都存在纳米颗粒(NPs),因此简单的单层薄膜显示出比三层薄膜更好的抗裂纹扩展性。基于表现出更好的抗分层性和抗剥落性,三层膜似乎具有更高的粘合功。



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