首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves >A Fast Terahertz Spectrometer Based on Frequency Selective Surface Filters

A Fast Terahertz Spectrometer Based on Frequency Selective Surface Filters


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We present a fast spectrometer working in the 0.7–4.8 THz range. Broadband radiation from a blackbody source is focused first on a rotating silicon wafer, whose surface was patterned with 18 metal band-pass filters, then on the sample under test and finally is detected by a superconducting microbolometer with microsecond time constant. The bolometer sensor is coupled to a spiral antenna whose frequency band matches the spectral range of the filters. The spectral resolution is set by the filters quality factor of about 3. A dynamic range of 100 and a S/N ratio of 20 are achieved by integrating for less than 10 second. The detector can operate up to 6 K in a closed-cycle cooler, hence making the present apparatus suitable for building up a simple terahertz video-rate spectrometer.
机译:我们介绍一种工作在0.7–4.8 THz范围内的快速光谱仪。来自黑体源的宽带辐射首先聚焦在旋转的硅晶片上,该晶片的表面用18个金属带通滤光片构图,然后在被测样品上,最后由具有微秒时间常数的超导微测辐射热计进行检测。辐射热计传感器耦合到螺旋天线,该螺旋天线的频带与滤波器的频谱范围匹配。光谱分辨率由约3的滤光片品质因数设置。通过积分不到10秒即可实现100的动态范围和20的S / N比。该检测器可以在闭式循环冷却器中运行高达6 K,因此使本设备适合于构建简单的太赫兹视频速率光谱仪。



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