首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mammalian Evolution >Life on the Half-Shell: Consequences of a Carapace in the Evolution of Armadillos (Xenarthra: Cingulata)

Life on the Half-Shell: Consequences of a Carapace in the Evolution of Armadillos (Xenarthra: Cingulata)


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Without doubt, the possession of an armored carapace represents one of the most conspicuous morphological features of all cingulates. Here, we review some of the many ways in which the carapace may have influenced the evolution of other features of extant armadillos (Xenarthra: Cingulata). Effects range from physiological impacts on respiration and thermoregulation, to mechanical and other constraints on reproduction. Additionally, in mammals, armor has been linked with relatively slow plantigrade locomotion, which in turn may have promoted the low metabolic rate and exploitation of a low quality diet typically observed in armadillos. Finally, this network of relationships may help to explain the lack of any obvious kin-selected altruism in the polyembryonic armadillos, such as the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), because of time and energy constraints associated with a short active period devoted almost exclusively to feeding. In mammals, there has been growing interest in describing an ecological "lifestyle" as the particular way in which each species makes its living, and how this lifestyle constrains the evolution of other phenotypic traits. Based on our review, it appears the carapace has been a major determinant of the lifestyle of armadillos and has played a central role in shaping the evolution of many other features of these animals.
机译:毫无疑问,拥有装甲的甲壳是所有扣带回动物最明显的形态特征之一。在这里,我们回顾了甲壳可能影响现存犰狳其他特征进化的许多方式中的一些(Xenarthra:Cingulata)。影响范围从对呼吸和温度调节的生理影响到对繁殖的机械和其他限制。另外,在哺乳动物中,装甲与相对较慢的植物纲运动有关,这反过来又可能促进了低代谢率和对犰狳通常观察到的低质量饮食的利用。最后,这种关系网络可以帮助解释多胚犰狳,例如九带犰狳(Dasypus novemcinctus)中缺乏明显的亲属选择利他行为,这是由于时间和精力的限制与短暂的活跃期有关。专门用于喂养。在哺乳动物中,人们越来越有兴趣将生态“生活方式”描述为每种物种赖以生存的特殊方式,以及这种生活方式如何限制其他表型性状的进化。根据我们的评论,甲壳似乎是犰狳生活方式的主要决定因素,并且在塑造这些动物的许多其他特征的进化中起着核心作用。



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