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Recent Advances on Variability, Morpho-Functional Adaptations, Dental Terminology, and Evolution of Sloths


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The occasion of the Xenarthra Symposium during the ICVM 9 meeting allowed us to reflect on the considerable advances in the knowledge of sloths made by the "X-community" over the past two decades, particularly in such aspects as locomotion, mastication, diet, dental terminology, intraspecific variation, sexual dimorphism, and phylogenetic relationships. These advancements have largely been made possible by the application of cladistic methodology (including DNA analyses) and the discovery of peculiar forms such as Diabolotherium, Thalassocnus, and Pseudoglyptodon in traditionally neglected areas such as the Chilean Andes and the Peruvian Pacific desert coast. Modern tree sloths exhibit an upside-down posture and suspensory locomotion, but the habits of fossil sloths are considerably more diverse and include locomotory modes such as inferred bipedality, quadrupedality, arboreality or semiarboreality, climbing, and an aquatic or semi-aquatic lifestyle in saltwater. Modern tree sloths are generalist browsers, but fossil sloths had browsing, grazing, or mixed feeding dietary habits. Discovery of two important sloth faunas in Brazil (Jacobina) and southern North America (Daytona Beach and Rancho La Brea) have permitted evaluation of the ontogenetic variation in Eremotherium laurillardi and the existence of possible sexual dimorphism in this sloth and in Paramylodon harlani. A new dental terminology applicable to a majority of clades has been developed, facilitating comparisons among taxa. An analysis wherein functional traits were plotted onto a phylogeny of sloths was used to determine patterns of evolutionary change across the clade. These analyses suggest that megatherioid sloths were primitively semiarboreal or possessed climbing adaptations, a feature retained in some members of the family Megalonychidae. Pedolateral stance in the hindfoot is shown to be convergently acquired in Mylodontidae and Megatheria (Nothrotheriidae + Megatheriidae), this feature serving as a synapomorphy of the latter clade. Digging adaptations can only be securely ascribed to scelidotheriine and mylodontine sloths, and the latter are also the only group of grazing sloths, the remainder being general browsers.
机译:Xenarthra座谈会在ICVM 9会议期间的召开之际,使我们得以反思过去二十年来“ X社区”在懒惰方面的知识进步,特别是在运动,咀嚼,饮食,牙齿等方面术语,种内变异,性二态性和系统发育关系。这些进步在很大程度上是由于应用了进化论方法(包括DNA分析)以及在传统上被忽视的地区(例如智利安第斯山脉和秘鲁太平洋沙漠沿岸)发现了特殊形式的如Diabolotherium,Thalassocnus和Pseudoglyptodon。现代树懒表现出颠倒的姿势和悬吊的运动,但是化石树懒的习性却更加多样,并且包括诸如推测出的双足,四足,乔木或半乔木,攀爬以及盐水中的水生或半水生生活方式的运动模式。 。现代树懒是通才的浏览器,但是化石树懒具有浏览,放牧或混合喂养的饮食习惯。在巴西(Jacobina)和北美南部(Daytona Beach和Rancho La Brea)发现了两个重要的树懒动物区系,从而可以评估月季草(Eremotherium laurillardi)的个体遗传变异,并评估该树懒和Paramylodon harlani中是否存在性二态。已经开发了适用于大多数进化枝的新的牙科术语,有助于在分类群之间进行比较。一项功能分析被绘制在树懒的系统发育上,该分析用于确定进化枝进化变化的模式。这些分析表明,巨兽类树懒最初是半树栖动物,或者具有攀登适应性,这是巨嘴Mega科某些成员所保留的特征。后足的足侧姿势在Mylodontidae和Megatheria(Nothrotheriidae + Megatheriidae)中趋同地获得,此特征可作为后者进化枝的同形。挖掘适应只能安全地归因于selidotheriine和mylodontine懒惰,后者也是唯一的放牧懒惰组,其余是普通浏览器。



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